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There are lots of very cool looking shots and sequences in that trailer, I will give them that. I thought the first film was such a non-event (to me) that I hope this ones better.
I liked the first one, but them wanting to re-tell the origin definitely made it feel repetitive. This one won't be saddled with that, and it looks like they're going a little balls to the wall. It's always a dicey idea having too many villains, but teams have been working onscreen, and these villains look to be teaming up. I haven't watched the trailer with sound yet, but will definitely check it out tonight.
I get the impression Electro might be a little sympathetic. Even be an Oscorp experiment gone wrong so he and Spidey find some common ground.
I think it's time to dust off this old Flash animation:
I dug it. And I didn't dug the first one and didn't really feel the need for another.
So you were wrong again, eh? Just like with The Avengers!
2nd trailer - international....
I like the Peter/Gwen bit with sticking her to the car. More humour all round.
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 10 years 41 weeks ago
I was hoping it would look this dumb.