He's Paul Rudd.
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Or, at the very most, Paul Rudd is every character in the movie.
Avengers 2 is set for May 2015. I believe Ant-Man is set for July 2015.
But doesn't Ant-Man have something to do with Ultron, who James Spader is playing in Avengers 2?
I am confused.
He does in the comics. It doesn't mean he will in the movies. I think I remember seeing something about how Ultron would be Stark's fault in the movies, but I could be making that up.
I haven't seen anything that said Paul Rudd would not be in Avengers 2.
There are 2 Ant-Mans in the comics. Ant-Man I is Hank Pym, who was also Giant Man and Yellowjacket. He was a scientist who created Pym Particles that allowed him (and his wife The Wasp) to change size. And he created Ultron. Ant Man II is Scott Lang, who just uses the gear of Ant-Man I. He has no connection to Ultron. I'm not sure which Ant Man they're basing the movie on, but it's probably Pym. Either way, most people are speculating that Tony Stark will be Ultron's creator in the movie universe. Though one would think that if they're even bothering to make an Ant-Man movie, it should tie in to the Avengers and Ultron because it has the obvious comic tie-in.
At what point do they become the 2nd Captain Smashpants from a Parallel universe when the first Captain Smashpants is sent back in time by the third Alex Luthor clone of the fifth man to be called Nightwing?
That'd be "wave" 4.
Quasar wrote:
There are 2 Ant-Mans in the comics. Ant-Man I is Hank Pym, who was also Giant Man and Yellowjacket. He was a scientist who created Pym Particles that allowed him (and his wife The Wasp) to change size. And he created Ultron. Ant Man II is Scott Lang, who just uses the gear of Ant-Man I. He has no connection to Ultron. I'm not sure which Ant Man they're basing the movie on, but it's probably Pym. Either way, most people are speculating that Tony Stark will be Ultron's creator in the movie universe. Though one would think that if they're even bothering to make an Ant-Man movie, it should tie in to the Avengers and Ultron because it has the obvious comic tie-in.
You're shitting me, right? This isn't a parody Goiter wrote after he got bored with Horso?
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 10 years 38 weeks ago
Or, at the very least, Paul Rudd is in the movie.