For some reason, I have not been able to change the channel. It looks darn good on my TV! Sure, the story is laughable at times, but it's an enjoyable flick. I mean it, I love this movie.
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Attack of the Clones
Posted by Col_Matrix on Saturday, November 27, 2010
I think it looks pretty terrible on TV. I saw it on a high definition television at a Best Buy, once, and I was surprised by just how sharply separated the live action and CG stuff was. I felt like I was watching Blue's Clues.
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Posted: 13 years 46 weeks ago
I wasn't drinking or anything when I suddenly felt the need to burst onto the net and express my love for AOTC, but for some reason after seeing it today I feel embarrassed. I mean, it's not like I dont love the movie, but I feel the need to elaborate.
I love the images of the movie. Motion pictures are just moving pictures, kind of. The best looking pictures are the prettiest, are they not?
Oh man, I'm doing it again. Stop telling them how much you love that horribly written dreck, Ryan. My brother actually said he thought it was a beautiful love story, I wanted to laugh at him but I didn't. I mean he really said that, I couldn't believe it. I would have laughed at him but it's come to my attention recently that he was debriefed by the navy after being DD, and in that proccess accused me of "mentally abusing" him as a child.
But if you get a 47" or bigger LCD/LED/Plasma TV and watch any of the new Star Wars movies, you may just be surprised at how entertaining they may be! At least I was.