We have one for funny, why not for awesome?
First up:
We have one for funny, why not for awesome?
First up:
Not enough room. I managed to get the "Will" on there, albeit in tiny letters. Jubbers asked me why I was labling my body parts, then made fun of me for not being able to fit "Willie" on there. I told her I knew better, and had been going, instead, for "Willy." This inspired her to make even more fun of me.
The Swollen Goi... wrote:
Not enough room. I managed to get the "Will" on there, albeit in tiny letters. Jubbers asked me why I was labling my body parts, then made fun of me for not being able to fit "Willie" on there. I told her I knew better, and had been going, instead, for "Willy."
Did you tell her that the "One Eyed" was written in brail? That's economy of expression.
I didn't, but I would have if I had thought about it. What a perfect explanation for my genital warts!
The Swollen Goi... wrote:
I didn't, but I would have if I had thought about it. What a perfect explanation for my genital warts!
And now, by extention, Jubbers's genital warts.
Not that there's much extending going on.
Tiny penis.
There, there. It only seems tiny due to your tremendous waistline.
While watching this, I kept thinking: 'Sean Bean a bitch. yo.' Really, it's hard not to take him down a few notches in my estimation after watching him get repeatedly owned like this.
Why is Beau Bridges so excited to win $250 K? Can't Jeff throw a few bucks his way? I'm starting to think Jeff is more Obadia Stain than the Dude.
If SamB had danced to that song, he wouldn't even have had competition.
My jaw just dropped when I saw it take off. Holy fuck! How can they even keep track of it when it disappears like that in the distance?
A) That chick has nice boobs
B) That looks AWESOME!
Posts: 5753
Posted: 13 years 9 weeks ago
You should have written your proposal on your johnson.