We have one for funny, why not for awesome?
First up:
We have one for funny, why not for awesome?
First up:
I see on the video that GroomingSpyke2 has gotten more than thirty thumbs up with the following comment:
"34 people were raised on Justin Bieber and don't know shit about love."
Of course, now there are thirty-five dislikes, so GroomingSpyke2 looks like a fucking fool!
Ha ha! You look like a fucking fool, GroomingSpyke2! Talk about a dated comment! You just couldn't conceive of that one extra dislike, could you, you fucking fool? You thought it would be at thirty-four dislikes in perpetuity.
You were wrong, GroomingSpyke2.
I bet GroomingSpyke2's nickname is Tiny.
Did any of them used to be in Breakin' or Breakin' II: Electric Boogaloo? I think not. I concur with the declaration of fakery.
Let this be a lesson for anyone else thinking of moving to Germany.
So they only torn down the physical wall? There is still a virtual wall around the country. Start a movement Goiter! (and I don't mean a bowel movement)
Bigot much, Dalty?
The Swollen Goi... wrote:
This music track makes it unavaible to me.
You're the one who makes yourself unavailable, Thursty. Maybe you should try to love before it's too late.
The Swollen Goi... wrote:
Apparently, someone used a music track in the video. This music track makes it unavaible to me.
I just found the video on CollegeHumor. Maybe it will work for you there.
Saw it. It was pretty cool. I didn't know it was "Thriller" themed, so when I searched for the video elsewhere, I didn't quite know what to search for.
Music is prohibited in evil Germany.
Jakester wrote:
Bigot much, Dalty?
Probably, but I am curious as to exactly which of my comments makes you say that?
Also he missaid "Dalty" instead of "Goits".
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 12 years 47 weeks ago
I love the look on the guy's face at 0:53.