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Behold - The Dalty-Cave!
Posted by Daltons chin dimple on Sunday, December 15, 2013
Very nice. Is the whole building yours?
Where will Jubbers, Jubboiter, and I be staying?
We plan to mooch when we come. How much mooch is too much mooch? Is there a limit?
I wish the whole building was mine! It's an old Victorian house converted into apartments. Goes back a long way. Ground floor is 3x 1 apartments, using the basement / cellars as the bedrooms and bathrooms. 2nd floor is mine, top floor is another apartment.
Guy who has bought the upstairs apartment better not be a tap dancing crystal meth dealer with a large drum'n'bass music collection!
Jubbers and your bedroom is at the front off the hallway from my own front door. Bathroom 1 will be yours too, as I have an ensuite.
Awesome. Jubbers very much wants to come visit. It's likely some ways away, but once we have time and money on our side, we will make it happen.
Space Tycoon wrote:
I can get you a deal on paint and paint-related accesories...
All unleaded, I hope. We have a Jubboiter to protect.
The Swollen Goi... wrote:
Awesome. Jubbers very much wants to come visit. It's likely some ways away, but once we have time and money on our side, we will make it happen.
He speaks the truth.
Mortgage approved subject to survey.
Survey booked for tomorrow.
I have my cash from ex-Mrs Dalty.
Lawyers have all the required documentation.
Hopefully we are good to go quite soon! Maybe directly after Xmas.
The Swollen Goi... wrote:
All unleaded, I hope. We have a Jubboiter to protect.
Zero-VOC. Whatever that means.
Strike that, reverse it.
Today got my carpenter friend to quote me to build a nice treated wood deck over that roof terrace and costs for a burglar alarm to be installed.
Most important thing is the satellite TV......
Excellent. If you visit at the same time as Jubbers, Jubboiter and Goiter you can sleep in the bath! :)
Daltons chin dimple
Posts: 12800
Posted: 10 years 39 weeks ago
Have more..... HTML letting me down..... Tricksy plain text editor!!!