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Behold, the Prequel to Doctor Who's 50th
Posted by Daltons chin dimple on Thursday, November 14, 2013
That "Science of Doctor Who" TV special was pretty good. Came up with an excellent way to explain and rationalise time travel for non-scientific idiots like me. Of course, it's all completely theoretical.
There's also this.
It was good. The guy who played Hartnell was really good.
I saw that Baker thing. He lives in the same village as my parents and is known for being somewhat eccentric so you never know when he's telling the truth or winding people up.
And now we know what Tennant's doc meant when he said he was there at the fall of Arcadia.
The guy who played Hartnell also plays Filch in the Harry Potter movies. I've seen a little speculation that he might show up as the first doctor in the special. Who knows?
I'm live-streaming BBC One through some illicit means. The connection isn't so great, but it could be worse.
Sylvester McCoy still looks great. The last time I saw him, he was letting birds shit on his head and crossing his eyes as he smoked.
Which show are you watching? Is there some Doctor Who special game show on or something?
They are really going to town on this whole 50th thingy.
I used to be a little in love with Sophie Aldred. She's not in bad shape, is she?
Just realised. If Goiter is streaming BBC One then that means he has to sit through the horror that is Strictly Come Dancing before Doctor Who. The show that launched global copies. You call it Dancing With The Stars.
(Channelling David Tennant) - I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.
There is also something called 'The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot' directed by Peter Davidson available online later tonight.
I'm in and out. I'm playing with Jubboiter and hoping to get her to nap through The Day of the Doctor.
Here's something weird. While I was typing "in and out," one of the dancing show judges said, "It was in and out for me."
(I started this post about twenty minutes ago, so I imagine the judge's comment is about twenty minutes old.)
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 10 years 43 weeks ago
I got weepy eighteen seconds in.