Spielberg ended up making Indy movies because he always wanted to make a Bond film, and Lucas told him he had a better idea.
Deep down, Spielberg must still fancy a crack at Bond. How cool would that be ????
Spielberg ended up making Indy movies because he always wanted to make a Bond film, and Lucas told him he had a better idea.
Deep down, Spielberg must still fancy a crack at Bond. How cool would that be ????
I think Spielberg still has it. I don't think Crystal Skull properly showed it off--for a number of reasons you probably don't need me to point out. In terms of filmmaking (forgetting acting, script, et cetera), I think both Catch Me If You Can and Munich are as fresh as anything Spielberg has done.
I really enjoyed his take on War of the Worlds as well.... considering the speed he churned that movie out. He just needs to really like what he's doing to engage with it.
I would love to see him round out the series he started by making Jaws V, but that will never happen.
Spielberg's still got it. Lucas is like a contagion. He spreads suckage. I vote solitary confinement.
If Spielberg were to do it, I'd like to see his take on an old-school, Connery-era-esque type Bond movie, even though I think he could pull off a decent, new-era The Bond Identity type of Bond movie (and he did one movie with Craig, so there's that).
Are there any American big budget action directors among the new guard who are revered more than reviled? McG, Bay, Ratner, Snyder . . . these guys are all guys the fan community generally dislikes (save Snyder, maybe [and, if you ask me, inexplicably]). Do people like J. J. Abrams? Is he considered a "movie director," yet, or is he still more closely associated with television?
Speaking of dead non-Americans (what's that? We weren't?), I always thought Hitchcock would have made a decent classic-era Bond movie. He could do action when it was required of him. Also, if Bond had happened in the forties (which would have also required that the books be written in the forties, which they weren't [and Bond would have seemed out of place in the forties, anyway]), Cary Grant might have been a decent choice for the Hitchcock Bond.
Posts: 1430
Posted: 15 years 50 weeks ago
Hmmm....if it were old school Spielberg making a Bond film, I'd be excited. I'm not sure the current Spielberg would be as exciting a proposition.