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Oh wait, my frozen soy burgers are ready for consumption. Less of a void.
But still a void. Just less.
I have difficulty believing a car could have done more damage than Stewie did when he was asking Brian where his money was.
Is this not a complete red herring though? About 50% of the show is told as cutaways and flashbacks so ol' Brian has plenty of opportunity to turn up.
They'll do whatever they want. I wouldn't be surprised if he showed back up. Didn't they smash Chris's head between two logs once like he was an AT-ST? Or was it Peter? Is "Chris" even the name of a Family Guy character?
Maybe MacFarlane got tired of doing his natural voice. Maybe he wanted to try to one-up The Simpsons by killing off a character who was part of the nuclear family.
A new spin off? The Brian Show? American Dog?
I liked Brian. I kinda felt like he was similar to myself in some ways.
Well, apart from his ability to perform autofellatio.
Space Tycoon
Posts: 2464
Posted: 10 years 42 weeks ago
I feel a great void in my life right now.