In honor of Dr. Ake, MD complaining about no traffic in other forums, I shall post in here more.
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What you do to her in private is your business. But I appreciate spreading the love to other forums. Doesn't look like anyone followed you, though.omicron wrote:
I shall post in her more.
Fixed :)
New trailer is out for the DLC. Looks interesting, but I am not overly thrilled that they're including more sniper friendly maps.
Is COD available for Wii and, if so, is it any good? I couldn't convince the wife to get me an Xbox360, but we did get a Wii. Now, I am trying to get games that I would actually enjoy playing. I picked up the latest Bond game and am working my way through that, but want to try Call of Duty.
Actually yes it is
I have a PC copy. I've been (very) slowly playing through the single-player story. It's pretty fun, and the story is interesting.
New official trailer for the new map pack.
mental note: add some MS Points to my account so I can download this tomorrow
I've been playing the hell out of this game. I've prestiged 3 times already and still go back to play more multiplayer.
New DLC coming. Frankly I've cooled on this game since my new TV setup appears to really mess with playing games. I'll probably still get it though
New maps tomorrow. Woot!
Another round of DLC at the end of the month
Black Ops 2?
Release date of this fall?
New BLOPS this fall
Anyone get BLOPSII? I haven't played much COD since I am mostly playing BF3, and I am not sure if I want to get sucked back into the COD/BLOPs world.
Posts: 1238
Posted: 13 years 37 weeks ago
New DLC coming for BlackOps. I am geting bored of the maps so I look forward to the new maps, especially since they aren't rehashed ones like MW2 did.