Testy. Looks like the Chinese might flex their new-found muscle.
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China, Japan, South Korea & the US squaring up
Posted by Daltons chin dimple on Friday, November 29, 2013
Just don't fly over those islands!!!
And find me a nice Japanese girl, thank you please!
Unless you can wait until we have some real money, we'll have to ship her to you book rate.
I think what the U.S. Postal Service used to call "book rate" is now called "media mail." The Royal Mail may not have a comparable term/service. Same goes for whatever the postal service in Japan is called.
Daltons chin dimple wrote:
And find me a nice Japanese girl, thank you please!
Have you gone to the Shunga exhibit at the British Museum?
The pictures on the British Museum website are tastefully cropped so as to not offend children. The Wikipedia page on Shunga doesn't care about offending them though.
I love Jubbers. Intellectually challenges me whilst gently dragging me back to reality. Jubboiter chose well.
Her father showed up at my doorstep with a shotgun.
He wasn't trying to intimidate me. He just really likes shotguns.
I guess the hawks are still butthurt over their failure to bullshit the US into war with Iran and Syria.
Harassing China will have to do for now.
Nobody wants a punch up with Iran. Straits of Hormuz make it non-advantageous for all involved. But this nuke deal with them has all the hallmarks of not being close to robust enough.
If the US Navy and Airforce tried to fight expeditionary warfare against the Chinese in the Yellow Sea / South China Sea / Pacific area I think they would struggle at the moment.
US and China have a weird, co-dependent relationship.
This is all pointless chest-thumping and dick-waving at this point. Time will tell if it evolves (or devolves) into something worse.
Daltons chin dimple wrote:
But this nuke deal with them has all the hallmarks of not being close to robust enough.
The deal is fine. You can tell this by the fact that the usual assholes are up in arms against it. That's a not a very scientific reason for endorsing a diplomatic agreement, but you see what I mean.
Goiter's right, that point is very hard to argue with.
But it still has all the hallmarks of a bad deal. Outside of it annoying the usual assholes, this is.
Trouble with all sanctions is that they generally hurt the people first and most.
It's their leadership that deserves the torture.
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 10 years 41 weeks ago
I don't give a fuck as long as Jubbers and I are still considered for teaching jobs in Japan.