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Dedicated to Jason (Jakester)

Posted by CadderlySoaring on Thursday, March 14, 2013

I saw your Facebook status and thought about wishing you luck at Mania but I know even after I deleted all the effing spam, you wouldn't see my thoughts...

So I'm saying it here... Get better. Wish you the best of luck...And godspeed. I'm pretty sure you all know but his latest Facebook message was:

"Am in frederick hospital with a leak in my aorta and a partially dead left kidney. Going to be transferred to probably Washington university hospital."

Love ya, bro. J.

The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 11 years 44 weeks ago

Shit. I got married before reading Victoria Coren's hilarious guide to getting hitched.

Posts: 75
Posted: 11 years 44 weeks ago

 Hi guys,

Morph here. Some may remember me from days of old.

I wrote something in remembrance of Jason on my blog:

'All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.'
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 11 years 44 weeks ago

How could we forget Ol' Morph?

I read your obit back when you linked to it on the Book of Faces. It was nice. It still feels weird to me not to have Jakester around. Every time an old thread gets revived, he pops up again.

Posts: 75
Posted: 11 years 44 weeks ago

 Yeah, I know. The weirdness of the internets: nobody is really gone.

'All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.'
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 11 years 44 weeks ago

Today is Jakester's birthday. In honor of his contribution to the forums, I award him Corona's inaugural Booby Award for Posting Excellence.

Bokchoi Cowboy
Posts: 90
Posted: 11 years 44 weeks ago

The Swollen Goi... wrote:

Today is Jakester's birthday. In honor of his contribution to the forums, I award him Corona's inaugural Booby Award for Posting Excellence.

I think Jakester already received the Booby Award....

You don't know the power of the Bokside!
Posts: 121
Posted: 11 years 43 weeks ago

 So, as some of you already know from Facebook, I'm having a horrible time missing my brother tonight. I spent an hour with my mother this evening wherein she cried the entire time - serious bawling - about how much she misses him. And it just left me wrecked. 

I just wanted to stop by here and say that I love you guys. I hope you're all doing okay. I know many of you are still having a hard time. 

And.... now I'm crying, so someone make a dirty joke about how I said "hard time."

Carnivale 2.0 is back because she made a deal with Patrick while strung out on Unisom.
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 11 years 43 weeks ago

We all have a hard time when you're around, Scarlet. Even the chicks. Even you.

Hey, if we can't turn ourselves on, how can we expect to turn others on?

The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 11 years 43 weeks ago

Man. Dirty talk ain't my thing. Absurd talk? Sure. Grotesque talk? You betcha. Stupid asshole talk? Nobody does it better. (Makes me feel sad for the rest.) But dirty talk? It feels forced. Like rape, but less rewarding.

Daltons chin dimple
Posts: 12800
Posted: 11 years 43 weeks ago

I was away so am a little late with this.

I found out Jason was in hospital when I was on the train on the way home from work on the last day before vacation.  I got to understand how serious it was that evening.  First thing I did when I woke up the next morning, before getting out of bed was reach for the iPad to see if there was any news.  There was.  It was the worst possible news.  I spent the whole morning in tears and struggled to process the fact that he was gone.

To some people, being so upset that somebody you have never met has passed away might seem strange.  On reflection though, I think all of our relationships with Jakester pretty much perfectly sums up the way friendships have changed with the internet.  I spoke to Jakester, via Facebook, IM, these forums, e-mail etc. etc. more often than I speak to my mother!!!

Jakester was my friend, regardless of location.  Over the internet I helped him Xmas shop for his kids.  I bought Girl Scout cookies from his daughter. We would discuss Doctor Who minutes after it had aired in the US.  I specifically took a photo of Amy Pond's little pants for him when I went to the Doctor Who exhibition.

I am pleased to have known him, and very sad that he has gone.  I really will miss him terribly.

....says "Kill Bond, NOW!"
Daltons chin dimple
Posts: 12800
Posted: 11 years 43 weeks ago

PS - Janet Jackson has tits like spaniels ears.

....says "Kill Bond, NOW!"
Posts: 1434
Posted: 11 years 43 weeks ago

 Jake would have really appreciated the movie I just saw, Danny Boyle's latest, "Trance." Rosario Dawson goes full frontal, and shaved, for a few seconds. And her ass is awesome.

Daltons chin dimple
Posts: 12800
Posted: 11 years 43 weeks ago

He would.  He would have loved it.  He would have then come here and told us all about it.  I miss him.

....says "Kill Bond, NOW!"
Posts: 2082
Posted: 11 years 42 weeks ago

neglet wrote:

 Jake would have really appreciated the movie I just saw, Danny Boyle's latest, "Trance." Rosario Dawson goes full frontal, and shaved, for a few seconds. And her ass is awesome.

Settled. I shall see Trance this very evening. Strictly in Jake's honor, of course.

Daltons chin dimple
Posts: 12800
Posted: 11 years 42 weeks ago

 I don't think 'In Memory of Jakester' is a valid defence when being caught masturbating in a theatre.

It should be, but it isn't.

....says "Kill Bond, NOW!"
Posts: 2082
Posted: 11 years 42 weeks ago

 A valid point. 

I shall see Trance tomorrow night instead. Thanks, Dalty. 

Daltons chin dimple
Posts: 12800
Posted: 11 years 42 weeks ago

 Wanking Wednesday makes it all OK.

....says "Kill Bond, NOW!"
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 11 years 42 weeks ago

I just had this mental image of my mother walking in on me masturbating.

"Goiter!" she'd say.

"To Jakester!" I'd say back.

(It was my mother in the mental image, since Jubbers probably wouldn't even react if she walked in on me masturbating.)

Posts: 2082
Posted: 11 years 42 weeks ago

 Instead of raising a glass, you'd raise your penis. 

Makes sense to me. 

The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 11 years 42 weeks ago

<voice mode="Strider">Why not both?</voice>

Posts: 2082
Posted: 11 years 42 weeks ago

 Hey! Yeah! Where is Strider? I don't think I've seen him 'round these parts since I came back. 

The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 11 years 42 weeks ago

I used to fantasize about being caught masturbating and making a snappy comeback. (Yes, Dalty. I said "come.") I didn't want it to be a canned response, though. Had to feel organic. (That's right, Dalty. I said "organic.") Even so, I had a few memorized in case she caught me off my guard. (I figured it would be best to be on my guard every time I jerked off, just in case. This made jerking off fairly stressful. I would really only drop my guard if I knew myself to be the only one in the house. This didn't happen very often.)

Anyway, I've forgotten most of the memorized ones. I still remember my favorite one. It was: "What? This ain't mine." I also remember: "Look what I found!" and "Look, Ma! Hands!"

They amused me at the time. Now they all seem kinda dumb.

The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 11 years 42 weeks ago

He must be gone for good. I only make the Strider jokes in hopes of him calling me an asshole and proving he's still around.

The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 11 years 42 weeks ago

I'm glad to have you back, Adam. Don't know if I've said it yet or not.

Posts: 2082
Posted: 11 years 42 weeks ago

 Thanks, pal. Appreciate that. Strangely nice to be back. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be over here imagining that Strider and Romy are off galavanting around France together.