Years ago, when Corona was still at their old website, I came across a news story complete with conceptual stills of a steampunk-style fantasy movie with creature design (and maybe being produced by) Jim Henson's Creature Shop\Henson Productions. All I remember about it is that it involved airships and a group of children (a German kid named Otto and an Indian kid amongst them). This would have been sometime between 1998 and 2002. It looked amazing but I don't recall the name of it or anything else about it - I'd love to get my hands on these stills again. Anyone know anything about this?
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Sorry for the wait but it took me longer than expected to find the best way to port the info over to CA 2.0, plus I also wanted to do a bit of research and find out what I could about what happened to this one. Enjoy.
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Patrick Sauriol
Location: Canada
Posts: 20119
Posted: 15 years 22 weeks ago
Was it called ZEPPELIN? I think I remember that one. Let me do some digging today and if I can find it in my old files, I'll see what I can do to get it on here.