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If it makes you feel better, a Venom movie is perpetually in the works.
Is it in the same place as that Jinx/Bond spin off. Or the Chinese chick from Tomorrow Never Dies/Bond spin off?
The Jinx movie was forever shelved when Catwoman tanked.
So there's at least one reason to be thankful the Catwoman movie happened.
I would've thought Die Another Day would've put the kabosh on any Jinx spin-off.
She wasn't the worst thing in that movie, oddly enough. She almost was, but then there was Madonna and fencing.
Invisible car and kite surfing away fromt he iceberg for me.
Shame, the film was actually pretty groovy until he gets the car and gets to Iceland. Then it becomes A View To A Kill types of bad.
I remember liking the P.O.W. stuff, and I remember liking the hover car scenes. Haven't seen it since I saw it in the theater.
I remember being annoyed by the complete racial reconstruction, since it seemed to stretch things beyond credibility even for a Bond movie, but the invisible car was as bad or worse.
I also remember being annoyed by Ol' Diamond Face. They tried to make it believable, I guess, but it was pretty clear it was just an excuse for a "cool" looking villain.
I was over a Jinx spin-off after the first time Jinx opened her mouth and spoke.
Having just seen JGL in the Muppets Xmas Special with Lady GaGa all I can say is that he better not sing in this movie.
Daltons chin dimple
Posts: 12800
Posted: 10 years 39 weeks ago
I didn't think he was a good enough Spidey villain to warrant his own movie.