It's out and getting great reviews.
I have a conundrum though. I really want to get it and play, but I never finished the first one. It was one of the first games I got for my 360, but I lost interest as I got GTA and all the FPSs. Trying to decide if I should go back and finish it(I know you can import your character into the new game) even though I barely remember what I was doing or why. Also pondering if I should just bite the bullet and start over from scratch so it's fresher in my mind. Incidentally, that's the same problem I have with GTA4 :) Want to get the expansion missions but haven't finished the game and haven't played it in years.
Posts: 1430
Posted: 14 years 32 weeks ago
You can finish the main story missions of Mass Effect relatively quickly. It might be worth replaying the first as it will give you a bigger investment in the story. However, if you start ME2 without importing a save from the first game, it will sort of prompt you about major story decisions from the first game. A sort of "You remember when we did...." kind of thing. I think its supposed to be integrated into the story somehow, but I haven't played it personally.
I love the first Mass Effect, so I can't wait to play the new one. Hopefully I can find a good deal on it somewhere sooner rather than later.