Ho-Ho-Ho motherf*ckers!
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Merry Christmas!
Posted by Daltons chin dimple on Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Incorrect! Bad Santa.
My go-to Christmas film is "While You Were Sleeping," but then I'm a chick. It has really funny secondary characters, though.
Awwwww Spacey. I am sure Canada is one of the most Christmassy places on earth!
Near the North Pole, lots of snow, friendly people and good beer = good cheer ?
Yeah, I'm just kidding. Good Christmas this year. My sister gave me a Timex ironman triathlon watch, which she assures me is in no way a subtle hint that I need to get my ass back in shape. Which of course, I do.
And yeah, beer.
I have 2 months after New Year to hit my 'Dating weight' and get my ass back in the game. I will share your pain!
This may sound narcississtic, but I was thinking of setting up a workout progress thread with before and after photos over a period of weeks and months.
I agree, narcississtic. I don't know if I spelled that right.
I got a bluetooth keyboard for Christmas. I can already see it may not necessarily give me fewer typos, but it may make it easier to move back and forth to correct them.
I got boring new apartment stuff.
I guess my letter asking for a 24 year old yoga instructer as a new girlfriend didn't make it to the North Pole!
G'day all. Hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas holidays. My vacation from working has just started. Got a ton of movies and tv to catch up on. My to-do list includes Elysium, The World's End and Kick Ass 2 (high hopes), The Internship, Rapture Palooza and RIPD (low expectations).
Watched Insidious 2 last night and the first half was scary as shit. The second half not so much. I find the frights lose steam as the story becomes clearer, which is an issue with most spooky flicks I suppose.
My stepbrother let me borrow his pirated copy of the first Insidious. I think I'm about fifteen minutes in. Every time I see Rose Byrne, I have flashbacks to Attack of the Clones. So far, the flashbacks have been scarier than anything I've seen in Insidious.
The movie, itself, isn't so bad. The little I've seen of it has been solid. It's hard to be scared by a scary movie when you're watching it in broad daylight with your fairly noisy fifteen-month-old.
The Swollen Goi... wrote:
My stepbrother let me borrow his pirated copy of the first Insidious. I think I'm about fifteen minutes in. Every time I see Rose Byrne, I have flashbacks to Attack of the Clones. So far, the flashbacks have been scarier than anything I've seen in Insidious.The movie, itself, isn't so bad. The little I've seen of it has been solid. It's hard to be scared by a scary movie when you're watching it in broad daylight with your fairly noisy fifteen-month-old.
"One, two, three, four, it's just like comin' in the back door.
Five, six, seven, eight, uhh, feels great.
A ring, a ring, a ring around my rosy.
My little pocket is so fit and so damn cozy.
Ring, a ring, a ring around my rosy.
All the boys in town say I've the prettiest of posies.
A ring around my rosy, my pocket's so damn cozy, and my posy, my posy.
I'm talking about my asshole"
Daltons chin dimple
Posts: 12800
Posted: 10 years 38 weeks ago
PS: Best Christmas Film Ever = Elf