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That looks pretty good, but I wonder how much of that trailer was actual gameplay. It appeared that maybe 10% of it was, but I guess we'll see.;thumb;2
I went and bought it last night. Haven't played any of the solo campaign, and spent a couple of hours playing multiplayer. Nothing groundbreaking, but it's definitely fun. Was going to play more this morning, but Xbox Live was acting wonky so I couldn't get online.
Ok so they're saying that the new DLC will be available to Elite members only. I assume this means you have to subscribe to the Modern Warfare elite service.
So if I am reading this right, I need to sign up for a free Elite account, and then purchase a Premium account to get this DLC.
Does anyone know if the DLC will be available later in the traditional way, by purchasing on XBL like other map packs?
Based on this article, looks like MW3 maps will still be available as a traditional bundle later on in the year. Good, means I don't have to sign up for another stupid service just to get new content.
Looks like the new maps and stuff are available on Xbox live, trying to figure out if I will get it. I do like occasionally playing MW, since it's so easy to jump into.
Posts: 1238
Posted: 13 years 15 weeks ago
new trailer