Movies: 1135
Comments: 67725
Members: 718
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Release Date: TBA
Genres: Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Production Phase: Script Stage
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Production Company: ImageMovers
Who's Making It: Gil Kenan (Director), Ann Peacock (Screenwriter), Jack Rapke (Producer), Steve Starkey (Producer), Robert Zemeckis (Producer)
Premise: A young boy that is believed to have killed the king of Ireland is sentenced to an island prison. Inside his cell he devises a flying machine that will allow him to escape his prison... More »
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ann Peacock has been hired to adapt Eoin Colfer's novel Airman into a screenplay for Walt Disney Studios and ImageMovers, Robert Zemeckis' production company. Zemeckis is producing the $150 million dollar motio capture fantasy along with partner Steve Starkey and Jack Rapke. Gil Kenan (Monster House) is directing.
Peacock scripted the first Chronicles of Narnia film also also the historical actioner Odysseus to Warner Bros. earlier this year. [Full story]
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