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The Amazing Spider-Man
Release Date: July 3, 2012 (North America)
Genres: Action, Remake, Adventure, Comic Book MPAA Rating: PG-13
Production Phase: Released
Studio: Sony Pictures Production Company: Laura Ziskin Productions
Who's In It: Andrew Garfield (Peter Parker / Spider-Man), Emma Stone (Gwen Stacy), Rhys Ifans (Dr. Curt Connors / The Lizard), Sally Field (Aunt May), Martin Sheen (Uncle Ben)
Who's Making It: Marc Webb (Director), James Vanderbilt (Screenwriter), Alvin Sargent (Screenwriter), Laura Ziskin (Producer), Avi Arad (Producer)
Premise: After being bitten by a radioactive spider and receiving superpowers, Peter Parker must adjust to his new abilities. He finds that the mystery of his parents disappearance is connected to the experiments of one of... More »
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is bringing home The Amazing Spider-Man on Friday, November 9 as a 3D combo pack, limited edition gift set and Blu-ray/DVD.
The Blu-ray/DVD combo comes with three discs:
- Disc One: the Blu-ray of the movie which includes a "second screen" app that lets you watch the film in Timeline mode. This lets viewers move content and production info from the disc to a second screen like a tablet, informing you about the making of key scenes while watching the movie at the same time.
- Disc Two: Over 90 minutes of featurettes and documentaries showing the making of The Amazing Spider-Man. Areas explored will be the film's special effects, stunts, casting, costumes, locations and direction.
- Disc Three: the DVD version of the movie, as well as deleted scenes, an image gallery, audio commentary track with director Marc Webb and producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach, as well as other bonus material.
The limited edition gift set comes with collectible Spider-Man and Lizard figurines. As well, a four-disc 3D Blu-ray combo pack features the 3D version of the movie and a featurette that shows how the 3D filming was done. Sony also promises that you will be able to view the movie in different levels of 3D.
Released this past July, The Amazing Spider-Man is Sony's rebooting of the Spider-Man movie franchise. The film grossed $250 million dollars domestically and $450 million more from its international run. The film stars Andrew Garfield (The Social Network) as Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man; Emma Stone (The Help) as Gwen Stacy; Rhys Ifans (Notting Hill) as Dr. Curt Connors, a.k.a. The Lizard; Denis Leary (Rescue Me) as Captain Stacy; Campbell Scott (Damages) as Richard Parker, and Irrfan Khan (Slumdog Millionaire) as Rajit Ratha; Martin Sheen (The West Wing) as Uncle Ben and Sally Field (Norma Rae), as Aunt May.
- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Monday, May 14, 2012
A new video clip gives us a new look at Rhys Ifans as The Lizard in the film. The video was first discovered on the official Amazing Spider-Man website via an Oscorp Industries recruitment video, but it's since sprouted around the Internet:
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Thursday, May 3, 2012
Apple's micro-site for the movie has posted two new images showing The Lizard, one of which is our first look at the villain wearing his lab coat. In the Spider-Man comics, The Lizard has always been seen wearing Dr. Connors' distinctive white scientific covering, and fans were wondering if the CG-created film version would also sport the coat. Now we have our answer.
See the other photo, which shows the close-up of The Lizard's scaly hand, in our Amazing Spider-Man photo gallery.
- Apple. Comment on this Scoop (0)Saturday, March 24, 2012
This new look at The Lizard in The Amazing Spider-Man comes from the Trends International website. It's a wall poster that the company is releasing on May 4.
- Trends International. Comment on this Scoop (0)Sunday, February 19, 2012
In conjunction with a viral marketing campaign to launch, the studio has released a clip from The Amazing Spider-Man showing Andrew Garfield as the new Peter Parker.
In the clip Peter is trying to gain entry into Gwen Stacy's apartment building in Manhattan, but a doorman refuses to let him in without first checking the contents of Peter's knapsack. You can guess what Peter is hiding inside his 'pack.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Images from this year's ToyFair reveal what The Lizard looks like in the movie. The photos come from various different collectibles that Diamond Select Toys will release when The Amazing Spider-Man opens in theaters in July. [Full story]
- Cool Toy Review. Comment on this Scoop (0)Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The full trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man has been released online, and with it, our first glimpse at The Lizard in action.
- Sony Pictures. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Friday, December 9, 2011
Our first true look at the official marketing campaign for The Amazing Spider-Man has been handed to us today in the shape of movie's teaser poster. The tagline for the reboot proclaims that we'll get to see "The Untold Story". [Full story]
- Superhero Hype. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Columbia Pictures will release the first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man this week. Want to check it out first online? Be our guest.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Here is the first officially released, full-body action shot of Andrew Garfield wearing the Spider-Man costume. To accompany the important photo, the studio also revealed the official title of the movie: The Amazing Spider-Man. [Full story]
- Columbia Pictures. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, January 19, 2011
There will be no appearance by cranky Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson in the 2012 Spider-Man movie, reports IGN. Jameson's newspaper will have a presence in the film, at least in the background as Daily Bugle newstrucks have been photographed on the streets of NYC while the production is filming.
- IGN. Comment on this Scoop (1)Thursday, January 13, 2011
Columbia Pictures has released the first photo of Andrew Garfield in the Spider-Man costume. There are slight differences between the suit that Garfield's Peter Parker is wearing and the Spider-Man costume that Tobey Maguire wore in the three earlier Spider-Man movies:
- the detailing around the wrist section is different from the Maguire costume.
- the chest on Garfield's costume has less red, and a slightly different spider symbol.
- the Garfield suit's webbing pattern is black and does not stand out as much as the webbing pattern on Maguire's suit.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
An array of spy photos showing Andrew Garfield and newly-blonde Emma Stone prepping and then filming a romantic scene for the new Spider-Man movie have gone online. The sequence shows the acting love birds sitting on bleachers, talking, holding hands and then kissing while cameras rolled on.
- Just Jared. Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, December 6, 2010
Emma Stone is back to her natural blonde look. The actress appeared at an event two days ago sporting her new look, letting the paparazzi go wild and take their snapshots. Emma's bangs suggest that her Gwen Stacy, too, will have bangs in the Spider-Man movie.
- Us Magazine; scoop sent in by The Swollen Goiter of God. Comment on this Scoop (0)Saturday, December 4, 2010
Campbell Scott (Damages, Singles) has been cast in the role of Peter Parker's father in the film while Julianne Nicholson (Law & Order: Criminal Intent) is in talks to play Peter's mother. The casting news is especially interesting because the parents of Peter Parker have been only seen in flashbacks in the Spider-Man comics and never on the screen. In the comic book's continuity, Peter's parents died when he was an infant, leaving him an orphan to be raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben Parker.
Also in talks to be added to the cast are Irrfan Khan (Slumdog Millionaire) and Annie Parisse (Rubicon). Khan's character would be a villain named Van Atter who might turn out to be the Proto-Goblin from the Marvel comics. Parisse would play the wife of the villain.
- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)