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Black Swan

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Release Date: December 3, 2010 (North America)

Genres: Horror, Thriller          MPAA Rating: R

Production Phase: Released

Studio: Fox Searchlight   Production Company: Phoenix Pictures

Who's In It: Natalie Portman (Nina Sayers), Mila Kunis (Lily), Barbara Hershey (Erica Sayers), Winona Ryder (Beth Mcintyre), Vincent Cassel (Thomas Leroy)

Who's Making It: Darren Aronofsky (Director), John McLaughlin (Screenwriter), Mark Heyman (Screenwriter), Mike Medavoy (Producer),

Premise: A New York City ballerina's rivalry with another dancer eventually leads her to suspect that her competitor may be something greater than a human being.... More »

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fox Searchlight has released the first trailer for Black Swan. Try to not get your feathers ruffled.



- Fox Searchlight. Comment on this Scoop (1)
Friday, July 30, 2010

Fox Searchlight has scheduled an opening for December 1, 2010 for Black Swan. The picture will open in limited release first before expanding nationwide.

The movie will also open the 67th Annual Venice Film Festival scheduled to commence September 1 and run to September 11.

- Fox Searchlight. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Swan director Darren Aronofsky was photographed with one of his new picture's leading ladies at the opening night of the New York City Ballet. Mila Kunis was Aronofsky's companion for the evening; apparently they're doing some research for the actress' part as a ballerina. Five more photos are at this link.

- Just Jared. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, August 20, 2009

The ScriptShadow website has posted a positive review of the Black Swan screenplay. Reviewer Carson Reeves comes right out and says that he likes the screenplay for a personal reason: in the movie, Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis' characters have sex. Here's Carson:

"Yeah. You read that right. And not just nice sweet innocent sex either. We're talking ecstasy-induced hungry aggressive angry sex. Yeah so...this movie is already on the must-see list of 2010. But how good is it? Does the story that surrounds the sex disappoint or excel?

"Black Swan is a very intriguing story with a quiet slow burn. So slow, in fact, that I nearly lost interest halfway through it. Heyman focuses on the tiniest of things. The way shoes sound as they click against the pavement. The way a slight breeze tussles at your hair. You know how as film evolved, we've been encouraged to cut out all the meaningless stuff? For example, instead of showing a character walk from their house to the train, we should just cut to the train? Yeah, Heyman doesn't do that. If someone needs to walk somewhere, we walk with them. And after awhile, it really begins to test your patience. And if you're looking for the culprit in the 131 page screenplay length, that's where you'll find him. But it's pretty clear these are the moments Aronofsky is interested in in Black Swan. He wants you living every second of this character's life, lulling you into a sense of security so that you get used to the mundane. That way when the extraordinary happens, it slams into you like an SUV."

- ScriptShadow. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Monday, July 27, 2009

Mila Kunis is in negotiations to play Lilly, the dancer who may be a figment of Natalie Portman's character's imagination. The That '70s Show star just returned from Comic-Con where she plugged her next film, The Book of Eli.

- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Darren Aronofsky's next project after The Wrestler may be a thriller with supernatural overtones called Black Swan. Originally set up at Universal before being placed into turnaround, the project has heated up again with a new rewrite by Phoenix Pictures executive Mark Heyman and the attachment of actress Natalie Portman to play the lead role. [Full story]

- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)


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