Movies: 1135
Comments: 67725
Members: 718
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Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Horror
Production Phase: Pitch
Studio: Warner Bros.
Who's Making It: Peter Segal (Producer), Tite Kubo (Creator - Artist/Writer),
Premise: A teenager must juggle his schoolwork with his duties performed as a Soul Reaper, a guide to those who have just entered the afterlife. Based on the manga series of the same name.... More »
Monday, March 22, 2010
Warner Bros. is negotiating with Viz Media to acquire the feature film rights to Bleach, the popular Japanese manga. The studio wants Peter Segal, director of such comedies as Tommy Boy, 50 First Dates and the Get Smart film, to produce the American Bleach film. [Full story]
- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)