Movies: 1135
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Release Date: TBA
Genres: Comic Book, Horror
Production Phase: Pitch
Production Company: Dark Hero Studios
Who's Making It: David Hayter (Screenwriter), Bill Mechanic (Producer), Benedict Carver (Executive Producer), Suzanne Warren (Executive Producer), Gary Reed (Executive Producer)
Premise: In the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse the living dead follow a sadistic leader known as King Zombie.... More »
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The long-running indie horror comic book Deadworld is being developed into a feature film by X-Men screenwriter David Hayter via his Dark Hero Studios and Bill Mechanic's Pandemonium Films. Hayter will also pen the screenplay.
"I've never done anything close to this subject, but I loved the whole world because it's so unique," Mechanic told Variety.
"It's very much about the design of the Deadworld and creating cool, frightening but not necessarily gory creatures," Hayter added. "I am a huge fan of zombie mythology." [Full story]
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