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Extraordinary Measures
Release Date: January 22, 2010 (North America)
Genres: Drama MPAA Rating: PG
Production Phase: Released
Studio: CBS Films Production Company: CBS Films
Who's In It: Harrison Ford (Dr. Robert Stonehill), Brendan Fraser (John Crowley), Keri Russell (Aileen Crowley),
Who's Making It: Tom Vaughan (Director), Robert Nelson Jacobs (Screenwriter), Michael Shamberg (Producer), Stacey Sher (Producer), Carla Santos Shamberg (Producer)
Premise: A married couple hires a doctor to find a cure for their two childrens' genetic disorder. Based on a true story.... More »
TopWho's In It
Harrison Ford | Dr. Robert Stonehill |
Brendan Fraser | John Crowley |
Keri Russell | Aileen Crowley |
TopWho's Making It
Tom Vaughan | Director |
Robert Nelson Jacobs | Screenwriter |
Michael Shamberg | Producer |
Stacey Sher | Producer |
Carla Santos Shamberg | Producer |
A married couple hires a doctor to find a cure for their two childrens' genetic disorder. Based on a true story.
TopFinancial Stats
Production Budget | $ |
Final Box Office | $ |