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Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Release Date: December 25, 2011 (North America)
Genres: Drama
Production Phase: Released
Studio: Paramount Pictures Production Company: Scott Rudin Productions
Who's In It: Sandra Bullock (Oskar's mother), Tom Hanks (Oskar's father), Thomas Horn (Oskar Schell), John Goodman (TBA), Max von Sydow (TBA)
Who's Making It: Stephen Daldry (Director), Eric Roth (Screenwriter), Jonathan Safran Foer (Creator - Writer), Scott Rudin (Producer),
Premise: A 9-year-old boy searches New York City for the drop-box lock that fits a key his father, who died in the September 11 attack, owned.... More »
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close has had its release date pushed back from late November to Christmas Day. Also, the picture will open in limited theaters and slowly expand its roster of screens through the new year.
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