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Family History
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
Production Phase: Script Stage
Studio: 20th Century Fox
Who's Making It: Michael Punke (Screenwriter), Marc Haimes (Screenwriter), Steve Golin (Producer), Cormac Wibberley (Producer), Marianne Wibberley (Producer)
Premise: A family goes on a treasure hunt through time.... More »
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Marc Haimes has been hired by 20th Century Fox to rewrite Family History, a time travel adventure. Originally written by Michael Punke and being produced by Cormac and Marianne Wibberly (screenwriters of the National Treasure films) and Steve Golin (Babel), Haimes described the story to The Hollywood Reporter as "the kind of big idea that I loved working on as an executive." In his former occupation Haimes was a development executive working at DreamWorks until he decided to take a lateral career change and try his hand as a screenwriter last fall. He sold his first screenplay, Elevator Men, this past March to Summit Entertainment.
When the Reporter tried to confirm the movie's premise Fox chose to not comment.
- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)