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Grim Night
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Horror
Production Phase: Script Stage
Studio: Universal Pictures
Who's Making It: Brandon Bestenheider (Screenwriter), Allen Bey (Screenwriter), Marc Platt (Producer), Bryan Bertino (Producer), Adrienne Biddle (Producer)
Premise: Creatures known as Grims come out once every year, forcing the modern world to adapt to one night of unknown danger.... More »
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Universal Pictures won the rights to Grim Night, a spec script sold at auction. Writers Brandon Bestenheider and Allen Bey will get six figures right now to go buy stuff with. If the movie gets made, they could stand to make another million bucks.
Bestenheider and Bey's script is set in the horror genre. It's about what happens one night every year when dangerous beings called Grims prowl forth in the night, killing tens of thousands of people outside their homes. Every year subsequently people must obey a curfure and stay inside lest they too become a victim to the Grims.
Already Universal has Wanted producer Marc Platt shaping the creative development of Grim Night along with Bryan Bertino (director of The Strangers) and Adrienne Biddle.
To generate interest in their script, the writers made a sizzle trailer for their story. Here's what it looks like:
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