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The Incredible Hulk 2
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action, Comic Book
Production Phase: Rumored
Studio: Universal Pictures Production Company: Marvel Studios
What We Think: Even though the 2008 reboot of the Hulk movie franchise made $247 million dollars worldwide, once you factor in the advertising and promotional costs the film probably only broke even. So will the powers that... More »
Thursday, October 23, 2008
While it appears that Ed Norton doesn't have a clue whether or of he will return for a Hulk sequel, producer Gale Anne Hurd has a better idea about the prospects for a Norton two-peat. "It's all going to depend on the screenplay and where his character goes in any sequel, because he does have a multiple-picture deal," the veteran film producer told MTV. "[Norton's situation] is the same with every franchise like this, when you have one of the top actors of his generation."
She also has a firm idea for which Hulk baddie would square off with Mr. Greenjeans for round two. "When I think of all the many, many, many villains in the Hulk universe, we've now done the Abomination, so wouldn't it be great to tackle the Leader? It's a completely different type of cerebral villain, which would give the movie a terrific new take on the character." Hurd also foresees Tim Blake Nelson returning to play the mutated Samuel Sterns. "It would be a blast [to put the Leader in the sequel], and Tim Blake Nelson is tremendous and a very talented filmmaker in his own right."
- MTV. Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, September 15, 2008
Three months after the release of The Incredible Hulk, MTV's Splash Page asked Edward Norton if he had heard any news about making a sequel or even if he would be asked to reprise the Hulk's alter-ego, Bruce Banner, in the Avengers movie pencilled in for 2011. "The minds of Marvel are sometimes opaque," Norton told the site. "I won’t say [they're] obtuse, but I don’t have any idea what they want to do."
He was even non-committal on the prospect of appearing in The Avengers movie, stating that while he had heard about the project he couldn't know for certain whether he -- or the Hulk character -- would be a part of the picture's ingredients. "They’ve got this notion of collecting the Marvel characters," the actor remarked. "Who knows where they’ll go?"
- MTV. Comment on this Scoop (0)
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The Incredible Hulk 2 needs Edward Norton. Without him, Hulk Smash!!