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Inglourious Basterds
Release Date: August 21, 2009 (North America)
Genres: Action, War
Production Phase: Released
Studio: The Weinstein Company Production Company: A Band Apart
Who's In It: Brad Pitt (Lt. Aldo Raine), Christoph Waltz (Colonel Hans Landa), Melanie Laurent (Shosanna), Diane Kruger (Bridget von Hammersmark), Mike Myers (General Ed Fenech)
Who's Making It: Quentin Tarantino (Director), Quentin Tarantino (Screenwriter),
Premise: During World War II, a dozen American G.I.s of Jewish descent are hand-picked to go into Nazi-occupied France. Their mission: to kill as many of the enemy as they can.... More »
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Inglourious Basterds will be released on DVD and Blu-ray December 15, 2009. Universal will have a single-disc and two-disc DVDs and a Blu-ray version. The only extra features on the single-disc DVD will be domestic and international trailers, the "Nation's Pride" fake propaganda film seen in the movie and extended/deleted scenes. On the two-disc DVD and Blu-ray you'll also get four featurettes; a roundtable discussion with Quentin Tarantino, Brad Pitt and film critic Elvis Mitchell; an interview with actor Rod Taylor; gag reel; a film poster gallery; and a digital copy of the film. Packaging artwork and pricing will be forthcoming.
- Universal Studios Home Entertainment. Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, June 22, 2009
During last night's broadcast of the Guy's Choice Awards a two-minute trailer for Inglourious Basterds was broadcast -- and there's new footage that we haven't seen before in it. Knives and forks ready? Then let's begin serving the meal:
- Spike TV. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
From the Italian movie news website Bad Taste comes the Italian poster design for Inglourious Basterds. Capiche?
- Bad Taste. Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, May 25, 2009
The cut of Inglourious Basterds that viewers saw at Cannes ran two hours, 27 minutes long and it seems likely that the version audiences will see when the movie is widely released in August will be shorter. Anne Thompson @ Variety is reporting scuttlebutt that Universal Pictures has asked Taratino to cut the running time of the movie down. Nothing was mentioned as to what scenes could fall underneath the editing axe but as Thompson points out, Tarantino's contract says that his movie cannot exceed a maximum of two hours, 48 minutes long, so he's well under that already.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Inglourious Basterds has screened at Cannes and the first reviews are now appearing online. Todd McCarthy has a positive review of the film running in Variety in which he says, "Quentin Tarantino's long-gestating war saga invests a long-simmering revenge plot with reworkings of innumerable genre conventions, but only fully finds its tonal footing about halfway through, after which it's off to the races."
Hollywood Reporter's Kirk Honeycutt is less impressed with the film, saying, "The film is by no means terrible -- its running time of two hours and 32 minutes races by -- but those things we think of as being Tarantino-esque, the long stretches of wickedly funny dialogue, the humor in the violence and outsized characters strutting across the screen, are largely missing."
The BBC News' Emma Jones says of the movie, "It still can't touch Pulp Fiction, which won the Palme D'Or in 1994, but the reaction here at Cannes is that Quentin Tarantino has made a glorious, silly, blood-spattered return."
Chris Tilly from IGN UK sums up his thoughts by saying, "The result is an entertaining yet uneven movie that provides comedy, drama and some interesting psychological twists and turns, but never quite delivers on that 'men on a mission' promise, lacking the requisite action and spectacle to truly to make it a classic of the genre."
And Sukhdev Sandhu from The Independent also feels that the movie doesn't quite live up to its promise. "The problem is that there’s not enough roaring or headhunting," he writes.
Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, May 11, 2009
Slashfilm is the latest movie website to present an exclusive character poster, this time for Til Schweiger being a basterd.
- Slashfilm. Comment on this Scoop (0)Friday, May 8, 2009
Now Cinematical has an exclusive look at the character poster for Mélanie Laurent. Give them the hits.
- Cinematical. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Not to be left out but it's Diane Kruger's turn for a character poster. The Weinstein Company released this latest poster on the film's official Facebook page. Yes Mr. Kruger, now it's official: you're a basterd.
- Facebook. Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, May 4, 2009
Today we got a view of Eli Roth's character's poster for Inglourious Basterds courtesy of The Quentin Tarantino Archives. The director-turned-actor is playing an Allied soldier refered to by the German soldiers as "the Bear Jew", and he's got a hate-on for Nazis something fierce. See what this basterd looks like.
- The Quentin Tarantino Archives. Comment on this Scoop (0)Sunday, May 3, 2009
A new character poster featuring Brad Pitt has emerged and it has a great tagline: "Brad Pitt is a Basterd". Of course he is, but he's OUR basterd.
Click here to see it in jumbo vision size.
- Ain't It Cool News. Comment on this Scoop (0)Tuesday, April 28, 2009
In addition to publishing the list of films in competition at this year's Cannes Film Festival the running time of each movie has also been given. That's how Collider first reported that the running time for Inglourious Basterds is at 2 hours and 40 minutes.
- Cannes International Film Festival, Collider. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, April 15, 2009
On last night's American Idol special judge Quentin Tarantino was there to offer his critique of the current crop of Idol contestants. However, there was also a special sneak preview given of Inglourious Basterds during the show, one which offered viewers a look at some behind-the-scenes footage of Tarantino directing, new scenes from the movie and everyone's first look at Mike Myers dressed up as an English general.
- YouTube. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Brad Pitt and his co-stars were photographed by Brigitte Lacombe on the set of the film, like this one that also includes director Quentin Tarantino. Lacombe's photo collage is now online on Vanity Fair's website.
- Vanity Fair. Comment on this Scoop (0)Thursday, April 2, 2009
Variety is reporting that Quentin Tarantino has accepted an invitation to put Inglourious Basterds in competition during the Cannes Film Festival. When reached for comment both The Weinstein Company and Universal Pictures, the film's two partners, chose not to confirm or deny the rumor. This year's Cannes runs from May 13 to 24.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Friday, February 20, 2009
Ain't It Cool, IGN and Empire Online have each debuted one of three new teaser posters for the Basterds movie and they're a lot more visually interesting (and bloody) than the one we saw emerge online yesterday. It's time to create a poster gallery for this flick!
- Ain't It Cool, IGN, Empire. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Recent Comments
Oh, definitely. Hypocrisy is all the rage for '09.
So......You plan on going to see this movie then, right?
I am getting sick and tired of constant, endless, monotonous movies about the crimes of German Nazis…
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