Movies: 1135
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Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action
Production Phase: Script Stage
Studio: New Line Cinema Production Company: Raffaella Productions
Who's Making It: Raffaella De Laurentiis (Producer), Martha De Laurentiis (Producer), Lee Zlotoff (Producer), Jason Richman (Screenwriter),
Premise: A clean-cut, all American, blue collar kind of secret agent. Based on the ABC television series that ran 1985-1992.... More »
Monday, November 12, 2012
Director James Wan made a name for himself when his first movie Saw spawned a popular horror franchise. Wan then followed up with Insidious, another ultra-low budget horror movie that not only proved to make a profit, it also delivered on scares.
While Wan may not seen like a candidate to direct the gestating MacGyver movie, it's his name that has crossed the desks of New Line Cinema execs. Wan has now entered contract talks with the studio to make MacGyver based on the latest draft by writers Jason Richman, Brian Gunn and Mark Gunn.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Friday, May 21, 2010
In an odd and slightly ironic twist of fate, on the day that the MacGruber movie opens in theaters news breaks of a screenwriter hired to pen the MacGyver movie screenplay. Jason Richman is the man with the new job, the writer of a draft of Beverly Hills Cop 4 and the Anthony Hopkins movie Bad Company.
- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)Sunday, March 22, 2009
The houseboat that Richard Dean Anderson's MacGyver lived in could be making its re-appearance in the MacGyver movie. MacGyver Online reports that as soon as the current owners of the houseboat heard about stirrings of a MacGyver feature film they contacted Raffaella Productions and volunteered their home if the film's makers want to include it in their movie.
Since it's use on-screen the houseboat has had a new coat of blue paint applied to its exterior as well as some major renovations inside. MacGyver Online has a pretty extensive look at what the floating pad looks like these days.
Monday, March 16, 2009
New Line Cinema wants to make a movie from the 1980s TV series MacGyver. Series creator Lee Zlotoff has joined up with Raffaella De Laurentiis and Martha De Laurentiis to cobble up a feature version of the show that starred a mullet-wearing Richard Dean Anderson. "We think we're a stick of chewing gum, a paper clip and an A-list writer away from a global franchise," wooed New Line exec Richard Brenner to The Hollywood Reporter. [Full story]