Movies: 1135
Comments: 67725
Members: 718
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Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action, Historical
Production Phase: In Development
Production Company: New Regency Pictures
Who's Making It: Alex Litvak (Screenwriter), Michael Finch (Screenwriter), Rob Cohen (Director),
Premise: In the middle ages, six outcasts with different skills are called upon to complete a mission.... More »
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Latino Review delivers an exclusive tonight that is a killer: according to one of their trusted sources the Medieval production has been shut down by New Regency, the production company making it. The reason? The mole tells the site that the people paying the bills now want to cast a well-known star in the movie. Reportedly there has already been $12 million dollars spent on making the film's standing sets in Romania.
You want more? Latino Review has it.
- Latino Review. Comment on this Scoop (0)Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Variety reports that director Rob Cohen has now signed on to helm Medieval for New Regency. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor and Stealth director had been developing the XXX sequel set to star Vin Diesel but was instantly attracted to the story and didn't want to let the opportunity slip by to make this film.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Tuesday, March 3, 2009
New Regency Pictures has purchased the spec script Medieval for what's reported to be a hefty sum. The Hollywood Reporter pegs the sale price of the high concept historical action story fetched $800K against $1.6 million in a bidding auction.
Written by Alex Litvak and Michael Finch, the idea for Medieval is that it's like The Dirty Dozen set in the Middle Ages.
New Regency has a distribution deal with 20th Century Fox so this may be one of Fox's tentpole releases in a few years.
- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)