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Shutter Island
Release Date: February 19, 2010 (North America)
Genres: Mystery, Thriller
Production Phase: Released
Studio: Paramount Pictures Production Company: Phoenix Pictures
Who's In It: Leonardo DiCaprio (Teddy Daniels), Mark Ruffalo (Chuck Aule), Ben Kingsley (Dr. John Cawley), Michelle Williams (Dolores Chanal), Patricia Clarkson (Rachel Solando)
Who's Making It: Martin Scorsese (Director), Laeta Kalogridis (Screenwriter), Mike Medavoy (Producer), Arnold W. Messer (Producer), Bradley J. Fischer (Producer)
Premise: In the 1950s two U.S. Marshals investigate the disappearance of a murderess from a remote mental asylum located off the coast of Massachusetts.... More »
Official Website:
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The DVD ($19.99) and Blu-ray ($29.99) versions of Shutter Island will be released on June 8, 2010. The Blu-ray will include two featurettes, one focusing on the production as it went through its development and production process, the other about the real psychiatric therapies given in the timeframe of the movie, the 1950s. [Full story]
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The second trailer for Shutter Island has been released exclusively on Apple's trailer website and it's creepier than the first:
Friday, August 21, 2009
Paramount Pictures has pushed back the release of Shutter Island from 2009 to a February 19, 2010 release date. The reasoning, according to Deadline Hollywood Daily, is that Paramount's marketing budget for 2009 didn't have the funds needed to market a big picture like Shutter Island and so the resources are now being tapped from the '10 budget, and that Leonardo DiCaprio wouldn't be available to promote the film during the end of 2009.
- Deadline Hollywood Daily. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Our first look at Shutter Island has arrived. Watch the trailer for Martin Scorsese's next movie below to form your first impressions.
Also, the film's official website has launched at
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