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X-Men: First Class

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Release Date: June 3, 2011 (North America)

Genres: Action, Comic Book          MPAA Rating: PG-13

Production Phase: Released

Studio: 20th Century Fox   Production Company: Donners' Company

Who's In It: James McAvoy (Charles Xavier / Professor X), Michael Fassbender (Erik Lensherr / Magneto), Kevin Bacon (Sebastian Shaw/Black King), January Jones (Emma Frost/The White Queen), Oliver Platt (The Man in Black)

Who's Making It: Matthew Vaughn (Director), Jamie Moss (Screenwriter), Lauren Shuler Donner (Producer), Simon Kinberg (Producer),

Premise: In the 1960s, Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr were friends. Together they helped find the first students for Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters, mutants who needed guidance and shelter from those that feared their abilities.... More »

What We Think: The X-Men universe is big enough that there is room for a film series following the next generation of mutants, but the real question is can Fox find the right creative team to make X-Men: First Class... More »

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Monday, May 16, 2011

We've added three new images to our growing X-Men: First Class photo gallery, like this one showing a mirrored Emma Frost (January Jones) and Sebastian Shaw (Kevin Bacon) conspiring together.

- 20th Century Fox. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A new Russian trailer for the film has hit YouTube via Fox's Russian arm, providing us with some new imagery and longer looks at the young Magneto (Michael Fassbender) learning to develop his mutant powers over magnetism.

- 20th Century Fox. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Here's a new image from X-Men: First Class that shows Havok (played by Lucas Till) in an interesting situation. Could it be that this moment is what we'll see right after the mutant unleashes his ability to fire plasma blasts?

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

At long last, the first trailer for X-Men: First Class has arrived. Incredibly, there are only four lines of dialogue spoken in the entirety of the trailer but the gist of what the movie seems to be about is communicated well. What say you to this first look at the 1960s reboot of the X-Men movie franchise? Does it work for you?



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Monday, January 24, 2011

X-Men: First Class director Matthew Vaughn spoke with Entertainment Weekly about the why's and how's of where Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr came to be friends and future adversaries in the X-universe of the movie franchise. There's lots of great mini-spoilers, like this one:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How would you describe First Class to the uninitiated?

MATTHEW VAUGHN: The best way of describing it is X-Men meets Bond, with a little bit of Thirteen Days thrown in for good measure. It’s set in the ’60s, and I basically molded a young Magneto on a young Sean Connery. He’s the ultimate spy — imagine Bond, but with superpowers.

...or this one...

EW: I know you’re under tight restrictions about what you can reveal regarding the plot, but, well, what else can you say?

MATTHEW VAUGHN: In the beginning of the film, no one knows that mutants exist, and all the mutants don’t know that each other exist. They’re all in hiding. Kevin Bacon plays a very megalomaniac mutant [Sebastian Shaw] who decides that he can take over the world and that mutants are the future. Erik and Charles then meet each other and hook up with the CIA to try and prevent World War III. You find out everything about what went on between Erik and Charles.

Want more?

- Entertainment Weekly. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, January 20, 2011

We've got a teaser poster for X-Men: First Class. The one-sheet made its debut on Ain't It Cool where executive producer Bryan Singer handed it over to H.K. along with a brief update that he's seen an early cut of the movie's first trailer but that several special effects are still being worked on.

- Ain't It Cool News. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Three new images from the film have debuted on Hero Complex, the genre blog of The Los Angeles Times newspaper, showing better looks of the movie's heroes and the first look at Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw (opposite January Jones as Emma Frost, to the left.)

There's also some quotes from Matthew Vaughn, the film's director, on the impact the X-Men franchise has to the comic book movie landscape. "With Green Lantern, I don’t know about that one, I couldn’t get my head around the trailer, to be honest … look, I will say the following: X-Men as a brand is bigger than Captain America, Thor and the Green Lantern, all put together."

The blog also got a quote from James McAvoy, the new Charles Xavier, on how he sees First Class within the X-Men pantheon of movies. "This isn't a reboot, so I'm not replacing anyone, in which case you might want to try to be as different as possible and stay away from what had been done before," McAvoy said. "This is a prequel, so I'm the same character, just younger, but the challenge for me – and for Michael — is to show the same person in a different place in their life; to show someone before they’re this bad guy, before they're this saint. Charles wasn't always a … monk, this selfless, sexless monk that he becomes."

See the three new photos in our gallery for X-Men: First Class.

- The Los Angeles Times. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January Jones has some ideas about how popular her sultry character is. In a new interview, the blonde Mad Men actress waxes enthusiastically about the complexity of her character (as well as those naughty fetish costumes).

"Fans of the X-Men comics have a very set idea of these characters in their heads," Jones said. "I wanted to know as much as I could about her so I wasn’t disappointing anyone. I’m sure I will still disappoint someone."

Jones also goes on to describe her character's costumes as "insane", which sounds about right. "It's a lot of very body-conscious stuff. If you look at the comic book, she’s barely dressed. She's got quite the bod, which is very intimidating."

We also have confirmation that Frost will have her secondary mutation in the movie. Even though First Class is set in the 1960s and introduces Emma to the X-Men movie franchise, and her character didn't have the diamond form ability until recently, she'll be able to use mental powers as well as change her body form. "When I morph into my diamond form, it's all done on computer," Jones explained.

[Full story]

- The Los Angeles Times. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, December 9, 2010

A trio of spy photos show what appears to be a spoilerish treat resting on the beach at Jekyll Island, Georgia:

Spoiler Alert!We've hidden this text because it may contain spoilersShow Hidden Text

- Comic Book Movie. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Even though filming has been going on for two months, there's still casting news breaking for this film. The latest actor to earn a paycheck playing with the on-screen X-Men is Ray Wise. While speaking with IGN, the Twin Peaks/RoboCop actor mentioned that he would be heading on over to England in a couple of weeks to film his part in the movie. Wise will be playing the Secretary of State, and he hinted that his character will be surrounded by special effects for at least one important scene.

- IGN. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Monday, October 25, 2010

Hollywood Elsewhere's Jeffrey Wells spoke with X-Men: First Class cast member Jennifer Lawrence and asked her what the job has been like so far. The actress told Wells that she has to wear the blue body makeup of Mystique for only about 10% of her character's screen time. However, each time she gets done up as Mystique in her true form (which will likely resemble the way the character appeared in the first three X-Men films) it takes six hours for the makeup to be applied. Lawrence refers to the process as "Mystink."

- Hollywood Elsewhere. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A dozen spy photos showing January Jones wearing her costume as the lovely Emma Frost/White Queen appeared online today at INF Daily. The photos were taken earlier today while the production was filming a scene at Buckinghamshire, England.

While her costume matches the early 1960s time period that the First Class story is set during, Jones' ensemble is very faithful to the sexy, naughty look of the character in the comic book.

- INF Daily. Comment on this Scoop (1)
Sunday, August 22, 2010

In an exclusive phone call with AICN, producer Bryan Singer reveals loads of geeky new story details about X-Men: First Class. Among the gems are as follows:

  • the story takes place in the early 1960s, and will feature a James Bond-ish feel for the X-Men gadgetry we'll see used.
  • Scott Summers and Jean Grey aren't in the movie.
  • Kevin Bacon is playing Sebastian Shaw, the Black King of the Hellfire Club.
  • the X-Men's costumes will also be more closer to their comic book counterparts than ever before.
  • the movie will have an international vibe to it, with filming taking place in England and North America. The USSR will be one of the locations depicted in the movie.
  • Professor X won't be in his wheelchair when the movie opens and he will also have hair.
  • we should have our first look at the costumes in about a month's time

Read the full summary at Ain't It Cool News.


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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mad Men cast member January Jones has landed the part of The White Queen in the film. Also announced as new hires were Zoe Kravitz as Angel, Bill Bilner as a young Magneto and Morgan Lily as a young Mystique.

- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (1)
Monday, August 16, 2010

Oliver Platt joins the cast playing a character called The Man in Black. Surprisingly, Platt's character is described by the source as not being a mutant.

- Deadline. Comment on this Scoop (0)


HypeMeter Rating: Burning

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 winged: Angel Salvatore with dragonfly-like wings and acidic spittle, not to be confused with…


Ok watched the extended spot last night on Fox, it appears the winged girl is angel. So they change…


yeah I recognize them. Is the red-faced teleported Nightcrawler? Who's the dark haired girl, Moira…


Beast, Mystique, Banshee, Havok (Cyclops' younger brother).

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