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Youth in Revolt
Release Date: January 8, 2010 (North America)
Genres: Comedy MPAA Rating: R
Production Phase: Released
Studio: Dimension Films Production Company: Permut Presentations
Who's In It: Michael Cera (Nick Twisp), Portia Doubleday (Sheeni Saunders), Jean Smart (Estelle Twisp), Mary Kay Place (TBA), Justin Long (Paul Saunders)
Who's Making It: Miguel Arteta (Director), Gustin Nash (Screenwriter), C.D. Payne (Creator - Writer), David Permut (Producer), Bob Weinstein (Executive Producer)
Premise: Teenager Nick Twisp tries to survive the escalating tension between his argumentative parents and woo the beautiful Sheeni by developing a "sophisticated" alter-ego named Francois.... More »
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Saturday, November 21, 2009
A special sneak preview of Youth in Revolt will take place on January 2, 2010 in theaters playing Nine, the Rob Marshall-directed musical. Dimension Films is piggybacking Youth in Revolt to the other film in the hopes that audiences paying to see Nine will like the Michael Cera comedy and help spread good buzz at the office water cooler.
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