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12 minutes of game footage from Batman: Arkham City
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Sunday, July 3, 2011
With every new bit of marketing buzz the Batman: Arkham City video game looks likely to live up to the quality of its predecessor, Batman: Arkham Asylum. After watching Hugo Strange emerge as the sequel's main villain in an intense trailer, we've got new marketing to look at today: 12 minutes of in-game footage showing the fighting mechanics of the game -- plus a look at what Catwoman looks like in the Arkham City world.
Arkham City takes Batman out of the island confines of the first game and puts him into a degenerate urban environment. That sounds fun but as many of us know, executing a cool idea isn't that easy to do, especially when it's a superhero video game. After watching the gameplay in this video, I'm sold that the combat system is going to be live up to expectations. Plus, if sailing through Gotham's night sky as the Batman, landing on the outcropping of a building to eavesdrop on criminals and then pounce down upon them doesn't get you excited to play Arkham City, then you're not a Batfan.
Check the fun out:
If you want to see why I'm pumped about Arkham City, read my review of Batman: Arkham Asylum and you might be a new convert.
Posts: 5753
Posted: 13 years 23 weeks ago
Looks full of awesome!