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Michael Clarke Duncan dead at age 54

Actor Michael Clarke Duncan has passed away at the age of 54, from complications suffered from a heart attack he had in July.

Known for his big build and deep voice, Duncan was in the prime of his life. His first movie role was in 1995's Friday, and he had several small parts playing bouncers and muscle men. It wasn't until 1997's Armageddon that he had a meatier role with more lines, playing one of the rough-and-tumble drilling crew drafted into blowing up an approaching asteroid.

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Game of Thrones review: Season 3, Episode 4

Based largely off of the first half of George R.R. Martin’s behemoth of a book, A Storm of Swords (which is longer than the entirety of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy!), the third season of HBO’s Game of Thrones brings all of the plot lines, character beats, and thematic developments from the first two years to a climatic head.

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Game of Thrones: Season 3, Episode 4 Deconstructed

Welcome to “It Is Known – Season 3 Deconstructed”! Every week, you will find my extensive review of the week’s episode of Game of Thrones

I will explore the narrative that the show weaves. And what a narrative indeed! The story is complex, the characters are manifold, the twists and turns unexpected. I will deconstruct the episodes piece by piece, moving from character to character. This is an unusual approach, I admit, and a bit cumbersome at times, but the show basically does the same. The episodes are just parts of one, epic story, and as parts we have to examine them if we hope to get everything that happens. 

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Game of Thrones review: Season 3, Episode 3

Based largely off of the first half of George R.R. Martin’s behemoth of a book, A Storm of Swords (which is longer than the entirety of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy!), the third season of HBO’s Game of Thrones brings all of the plot lines, character beats, and thematic developments from the first two years to a climatic head.

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Game of Thrones: Season 3, Episode 3 Deconstructed

Welcome to “It Is Known – Season 3 Deconstructed”! Every week, you will find my extensive review of the week’s episode of Game of Thrones

I will explore the narrative that the show weaves. And what a narrative indeed! The story is complex, the characters are manifold, the twists and turns unexpected. I will deconstruct the episodes piece by piece, moving from character to character. This is an unusual approach, I admit, and a bit cumbersome at times, but the show basically does the same. The episodes are just parts of one, epic story, and as parts we have to examine them if we hope to get everything that happens. 

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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Game of Thrones review: Season 3 Episode 2

Based largely off of the first half of George R.R. Martin’s behemoth of a book, A Storm of Swords (which is longer than the entirety of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy!), the third season of HBO’s Game of Thrones brings all of the plot lines, character beats, and thematic developments from the first two years to a climatic head.

And as the show’s lingering questions are answered and bombshell revelations are dropped, this column (It Is Known: An Analysis of Thrones) will help wade viewers and book-lovers both through the narrative overload that will be at hand.  What it won’t do, however, is spoil the story; the hope and intent is elucidation, not ruination.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Game of Thrones: Season 3, Episode 2 Deconstructed

Welcome to “It Is Known – Season 3 Deconstructed”! Every Tuesday, you will find my extensive review of the week’s episode of Game of Thrones

I will explore the narrative that the show weaves. And what a narrative indeed! The story is complex, the characters are manifold, the twists and turns unexpected. I will deconstruct the episodes piece by piece, moving from character to character. This is an unusual approach, I admit, and a bit cumbersome at times, but the show basically does the same. The episodes are just parts of one, epic story, and as parts we have to examine them if we hope to get everything that happens. 

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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Review: Game of Thrones, Season 3 Episode 1

Based largely off of the first half of George R.R. Martin’s behemoth of a book, A Storm of Swords (which is longer than the entirety of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy!), the third season of HBO’s Game of Thrones brings all of the plot lines, character beats, and thematic developments from the first two years of the series to a climatic head.

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Game of Thrones: Season 3, Epsiode 1 Deconstructed

Welcome to “It Is Known – Season 3 Deconstructed”, a brand new, ongoing series of articles about HBO's new episodes of Game of Thrones! Every week, you will find my extensive review of the week’s episode where I will explore the narrative that the show weaves.

And what a narrative indeed! The Game of Thrones story is complex, the characters are manifold, the twists and turns unexpected. I will deconstruct the episodes piece by piece, moving from character to character. This is an unusual approach, I admit, and a bit cumbersome at times, but the show basically does the same. The episodes are just parts of one, epic story, and as parts we have to examine them if we hope to get everything that happens. 

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

The passing of Roger Ebert

Prolific film critic Roger Ebert has passed away at the age of 70. For a number of years Ebert had been battling cancer, and had undergone surgery that had taken away his ability to speak, but not his will to remain a vibrant and influential voice about cinema.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Trailer #3: Star Trek Into Darkness

An all-new trailer for the next Star Trek flick was released this morning. People who have been trying to figure out who Benedict Cumberbatch's villain is, and how he factors into the story, will be gifted a little bit more of info...but not enough to call off the thoughts that there is a lot more about the antagonist that we haven't been told.

More action. More angst. More women wearing Victoria Secret's push-up bras in the 23rd century. Ladies and gentlemen, it's the new trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness:


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Sunday, March 17, 2013

In Memorium: Jason Lizik, our friend Jakester

On March 15, this past Friday, the Coming Attractions message forum community lost a dear friend. His name was Jason Lizik, but to many hundreds of people that share a love for movies and fandom, they knew Jason by his username, Jakester.

From the very earliest days of Coming Attractions, back it in the 1990s when it was a hand-coded HTML site, an Excel spreadsheet of updated movie listings and different message board software, Jakester was one of the most frequent posters as well as one of the most well-liked of its members. Eventually he asked for and became a forum moderator, as well as kept up his prolific number of postings and multiple conversation topics going.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Game of Thrones Season 3 Roundtable, Part 2

Having discussed the Time of Puppies and Rainbows in the first part of our roundtable, Coming Attractions’s crackerjack crew of Game of Thrones experts now turns its attention to the nitty-gritty of television contracts, the difficulty of Daenerys Targaryen’s upcoming storyline (or lack thereof), and the huge news that A Song of Ice and Fire author George R.R. Martin will be developing further series for HBO in the not-too-distant future… which may or may not include Game of Thrones spinoffs.


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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Game of Thrones Season 3 Roundtable, Part 1

After compacting, contorting, and shuffling around the second novel to make it fit within HBO’s mandated 10-episode block, showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss have been proactive to avoid the same type of scrimping this time ‘round:  season three will only be based on the first half (or so) of book three, and each episode will have roughly five additional minutes of drytime tacked on, essentially adding an 11th episode to the roster.

This may go a long way to tamping down on the vociferous responses that the second season provoked last year, but, then again, given all the hints and clues we’ve gotten thus far about what season three will have in store, it may very well not make a whit of difference.

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Trailer #2: Iron Man 3

The new movie trailer for Iron Man 3 is out and it's filled with new special effects the way that some Krispy Kreme donuts are stuffed with calories when judged against other superhero trailer, the new Iron Man 3 preview hits all the marks except for showing us one big wow moment. That's not to say that it doesn't give me good feeling when I watch it. In fact, the dialog promises that hiring Lethal Weapon screenwriter Shane Black to direct the three-quel was a good movie indeed.

Let's watch it together and then talk about spoilers and specifics:

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Christopher Nolan, Batman and Superman in Warner's Justice League movie?

Once again, the big news story of the day comes courtesy of Latino Review. This time the hombres at the movie website are reporting the impossible: that Christopher Nolan, the director of the Batman Begins / Dark Knight movie trilogy, will produce and be involved in a creative story capacity with Warner Bros. proposed Justice League movie.

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