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Michael Clarke Duncan dead at age 54
Actor Michael Clarke Duncan has passed away at the age of 54, from complications suffered from a heart attack he had in July.
Known for his big build and deep voice, Duncan was in the prime of his life. His first movie role was in 1995's Friday, and he had several small parts playing bouncers and muscle men. It wasn't until 1997's Armageddon that he had a meatier role with more lines, playing one of the rough-and-tumble drilling crew drafted into blowing up an approaching asteroid.
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Fox cans Independence Day 3D, moves up Star Wars 3D prequel releases
I can't determine whether it's a sign of little interest or high expenses that caused 20th Century Fox to cancel its plans to re-release Roland Emmerich's first end of the world FX extravaganza, 1996's Independence Day, in 3D. That's just what the movie studio has done, scuttling plans to post-convert the 16 year old sci-fi/action film into 3D and release it to theaters on July 3, 2013.
Add a comment (2)Paranormal Activity 5 confirmed
Paramount Pictures has announced that Paranormal Activity 5 will indeed happen, and the movie will come out in theaters on October 25, 2013. The studio has had very good success releasing a new Paranormal Activity every Halloween, with its last installment in the found footage horror franchise grossing $53 million dollars domestically.
Add a comment (0)Saturday, November 17, 2012
Spec'd: Dredd
Dredd, the 2012 movie adaptation that stars Karl Urban (Star Trek) as the helmeted 2000 AD comic book lawman, is coming to 3-D Blu-ray, DVD and digital download on January 8, 2013.
While Dredd only managed to eke out a disappointing $13 million dollars from the domestic box office (and that was just a third of the haul that the Sylvester Stallone starrer Judge Dredd made back in 1995), it found supporters from the online film community as well as its core comic book fanbase that appreciated the movie's faithful tone and approach to character.
Add a comment (0)Twilight's final Breaking Dawn nearby breaks box office record
The final Twilight movie is now out in theaters and on track to be one of the highest-grossing installments in the five movie franchise. Breaking Dawn Part 2 opened with early showings on Thursday evening totaling $30.4 million dollars, giving a positive notice to its three stars, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. When the additonal Friday day-evening ticket sales were added up, Breaking Dawn Part 2 had an estimated opening day total of $71.2 million dollars.
Add a comment (0)Thursday, November 15, 2012
See the Skyfall opening title sequence
Now that the 23rd James Bond movie Skyfall is in theaters in North America, we're able to share in the enthusiasm that the lucky people in the U.K. had a couple of weeks back when the movie was released in European cinemas. With a crushing $88.4 million dollar opening weekend (the best ever for a Bond film) and very strong weekday grosses, Skyfall will almost certainly pass the highest grossing 007 picture to date, Quantum of Solace, which enjoyed a total accum of $168 million dollars at the domestic box office.
Add a comment (1)Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Could Darth Vader return in Star Wars Episode VII?
Longtime readers of Coming Attractions will remember the days that I kept track of the rumors tossed about for Star Wars Episode I, The Phantom Menace. Looking back and reading some of those posts, it amazes me how many unconfirmed reports and stories I kept track of, as well as surprisingly how many turned out to be 100% real.
More often that not, they were bunk.
Add a comment (2)Thursday, November 8, 2012
Trailer: Les Miserables
Les Misérables has its legion of worldwide fans anxiously awaiting the movie's holiday release (December 25 for North America and January 11, 2013 for those in the U.K.) While those fans in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland will have to wait two weeks longer to see the film, please note that they are the land that delivered us this new trailer for the Les Misérables movie today.
Add a comment (1)Mark Wahlberg cast as lead in Transformers 4
There was a rumor floated on the internetz a week about that Mark Wahlberg was going to headline Michael Bay's Transformers 4. However, the story was soon quashed by Bay's spokesperson who said that it was false.
But that was before we lived in the era of Star Wars Episode VII, which was supposed to never happen, right team?
Add a comment (1)Trailer: World War Z
Although it was originally slated to come out next month, Paramount Pictures decided to push back their zombie apocalypse movie World War Z to next summer. Today, the first trailer for the film was released. See what it looks like below when Brad Pitt runs for his life from flesh-eating ghouls and the world goes to hell:
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Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Halo 4 hits
For a good chunk of people, the big event happening on November 6 wasn't America deciding who would be chosen as the next President. Instead, a legion of gamers were awaiting the release of Halo 4, Microsoft's biggest release for the holiday 2012 window as well as what's expected to be the first in a new gaming trilogy.
Add a comment (0)Sunday, November 4, 2012
Editorial: Why selling Star Wars to Disney was a good thing
It’s hard to believe that less than a week has gone by since we learned George Lucas was selling Star Wars to Disney, and that more Star Wars movies will be made. Until that announcement I had figured that, one day a decade or two from now, we would see Star Wars Episode VII get made. If you had asked me one week ago if we would be planning on watching Episode VII in theaters by 2015, I would have called you crazy.
Add a comment (2)Wreck-It Ralph gets a high score at the box office
The video game action-action of Disney's Wreck-It Ralph captured the imaginations of movie audiences this weekend, elevating the CG 'toon to the top of the box office. Although Wreck-It Ralph had a considerable budget (it was estimated to cost the movie studio around $160 million dollars to make), Wreck-it Ralph opened with a domestic theatrical gross of $49.1 million dollars. With that kind of splash, Wreck-It Ralph will almost certainly recoup its production cost from domestic screenings.
Add a comment (0)Saturday, November 3, 2012
Fly Air New Zealand with hobbits, orcs and Peter Jackson
After the world watched Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, the director's native land of New Zealand became the visual default setting for J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. While it already enjoyed a healthy level of tourism for its sweeping, majestic vistas, Jackson's homeland experienced a new wave of interested travelers because of the popularity of the movies. In fact, several tourism companies now exist due to worldwide inquiries from people interested in visiting where the scenes in The Shire were filmed, or to gaze upon the Misty Mountains or plains of Rohan for themselves.
Add a comment (0)Thursday, November 1, 2012
Review: Skyfall
[This early review of Skyfall is submitted by CA reader Dalton's Chin Dimple, an avid fan of James Bond]
I am going to try and remain as spoiler-free as possible and not discuss anything that hasn’t already been revealed in teasers, trailers and the cast interviews for Skyfall. I will also avoid mentioning anything that would take away your enjoyment of the film. Let me say straight off that I could see this James Bond movie being divisive. I think people will either love it or hate it. I don’t think many people will come out in the middle.
Add a comment (4)Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Editorial: George Lucas, Inc.
When George Lucas handed an early draft of Episode II: Attack of the Clones to his marketing team to vet – itself an interesting note – the response he got back on one specific point is rather telling. His merchandising masterminds took issue with the character of Dooku, a former Jedi Master who had turned count, being portrayed as the latest member of the so-called Lost 20, the only 20 Jedi to have ever left the Order (typically to pursue such flights of fancy as marriage or childrearing).
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