Although I enjoyed the first, I would not mind more of a serious take on the story. More depth into the science fiction aspect of it.....
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Get your ass back to Mars, Quaid
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Thursday, February 26, 2009
In the seeming neverending obsession to do remakes for every successful science fiction movie ever made, the latest do-over project to be announced is a new version of Total Recall.
The producer of the Fast and Furious franchise, Neal Moritz, is currently hammering out a deal with Columbia Pictures to reboot the Philip K. Dick tale of a man who buys fake memories of a vacation only to question whether his real life is yet another constructed falsehood. After languishing in development hell for a decade, the first Total Recall movie got made as a 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger action vehicle and has about a half-dozen great lines of snappy dialogue and about the same number of memorable moments (hmm, what's my fav...seeing a three breasted hooker on Mars or Arnold's bulging face screaming "GHHHYAAAHH"? Truly, it's a Sophie's Choice decision.)
Here's an interesting difference between the original, futuristic setting of the '90 film and the remake: Moritz wants to set the action in the present day to give his version a "fresh" distinction. He told The Hollywood Reporter that with the advancements in real world technology and special effects since Arnold's movie that there's a whole new area to explore using the launching point of the original short story.
Dalton, the article didnt specifically mention abandoning the Martian setting... just said that it would be set in the present day... which would be a huge mistake, not a "fresh look" no.
BAD MOVE. but then again, Total Recall was a major joke and it hasnt aged well at all.
"present day" sci-fi action movies = budget restrictions (usually). They are easy to film since you're technically not creating "a future" or "a past" you're just going present day.
Daltons chin dimple
Posts: 12800
Posted: 15 years 47 weeks ago
Usually I fart in the general direction of remakes, and tweak the nipples of studios who consider them, but this has me strangely interested. Not sure how spectacular it would be without the Martian settings and sci-tech though.