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Now that I'm perusing the celeb blogosphere on a near daily basis (oh, the things I do for hits), one of the axioms of this industry seems to be that Gwyneth Paltrow is an insufferable bitch. I've never met her nor have I talked about this subject with anyone that has met her but the celeb blogs love to strip a pound of flesh from the Paltrow. I've seen nicer hazings from Ivy school frat boys.
The latest punch to the Paltrow comes from Fox411, that notorious online rag but one that's adored in the same way that Idi Amin was by his public. Sources tell the sinkhole that most of the Iron Man 2 cast and crew were hoping that Gwyneth's character in the film, newly appoined Stark Industries CEO Pepper Potts, would get killed off because of their dislike for Gwen-Pal. Seriously! It's supposedly that toxic? Has someone tweeted Jon Favreau and asked him for his thoughts on this or does Gwyneth have him locked in a cage inside the editing booth?
"Gwyneth is extremely cool at work. She's just a step above professional, too snobby," the Fox source spills. "Gwyneth is not friendly to anyone, and tends to make people feel awkward and uncomfortable. She wasn't outright rude to Scarlett [Johansson, playing the Black Widow], she just didn't ever speak to her. Gwyneth went out of her way to avoid Scarlett, and they had zero contact, at Gwyneth's choosing."
Jeesh. The mole also reveals that people working on the set got along just swell with her husband, Coldplay rocker Chris Martin. In fact, the crew would be yakking with Chris about stuff and then that lousy good-for-nothing actress-wife of his would poke her head outside of her trailer and the crew would scatter like cockroaches startled by a light. That's downright cold, even on the Paltrow contempt meter.
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