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Identify your laptop or other belongings as Team Jacob property
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Monday, November 30, 2009
In the latest offensive by the forces of Team Jacob, now those affiliated with the side of Twilight's native hunk of wolfdom can show their true colors. Just affix this vinyl decal to whatever place you want to leave your Jacob mark -- be it the top of your laptop, the side of your locker or car, or the wall right above your bed -- and your deed will have been done.
OK, cute content is over, here's the dealio: Etsy designer vinylfruit is cashing in on the Twilight/New Moon madness by selling their Team Jacob decals for $10 a pop. The sihlouette does sorta look like Taylor Lautner doing his Twilight stance so maybe it's money well spent if you feel the need to visually declare whose Twilight hunk's camp you're in.
Just one question: what kind of sticker does Team Edward get?
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