Whedon would have liked to say more, but unfortunately the interview was cancelled half way through.
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Joss Whedon comments on new Buffy movie
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Wednesday, May 27, 2009
With the news out that the rights holders to Buffy the Vampire Slayer want to reboot the character in a new movie every Buffy fan has been asking the $64,000 question: what does Buffy's creator think of the project? Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello was the first online journalist to reach Whedon, ask him the question and get his answer. Hold on to your horses because what Whedon is about to say is to the point:
"I hope it's cool," the Joss told Ausiello. And that was it.
Well, it's not like the guy wasn't busy producing his new horror movie Cabin in the Woods or anything, but it's at least acknowledgement that Whedon knows the project exists. It sounds like he's taking the high road and really, why not since Whedon's legion of Buffy fans certainly aren't. Have you checked out the message boards at Whedonesque yet? It's like Elizabeth Hasselbeck showing up at a Obama rally in there.
Daltons chin dimple wrote:
Whedon would have liked to say more, but unfortunately the interview was cancelled half way through.
If I had seen this back when it was posted, it most surely would have been shortlisted for my Semi-Daily Post of the Day award.
Gentlemen Death
Posts: 270
Posted: 15 years 34 weeks ago
What's really scary is there is a website called Whedonesque....and that people actually post on it...