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Michael Bay tells you the facts on his new Transformers
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Thursday, June 18, 2009
The man, the mission, the mayhem that is Michael Bay has gone and posted an interesting fact-filled post on his blog about the data details concerning Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. As if that film's hype level wasn't big enough, Bay goes and gives us the intel on how fast Devastator's hand would be moving in real life when he punches the pyramid or that the image of Optimus Prime you'll see projected on IMAX screens during the action scenes in the forest would be the real life-size height if the robot truly existed. God bless you Michael Bay.
Among some of the other Revenge of the Fallen trivia Bay unloads on us:
- there were only 14 Transformers seen in the first film. This new one has 46.
- the graphics work in the first Transformers took up 20 terabytes of disk space at ILM. RofF takes up 145 terabytes of disc space or seven times the amount as the first film.
- laid out end to end, Devastator's parts would be almost 14 miles long.
- there was so much CG action happening at points in Revenge of the Fallen that it sometimes took up to 72 hours to render one single frame of footage.
- all scenes featuring Megan Fox were computer generated. Really?
Read the full list here and see if I'm kidding about that last one.
Posts: 417
Posted: 15 years 12 weeks ago
From Micheal Bay Dot Com: The total number of polygons: 11,716,127
That one is pretty cool.