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Milk screenwriter climbs 3 Story movie for Warner Bros.
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Giant men and women have been a staple in comic books for decades. Marvel has Giant Man, Yellowjacket and Goliath while DC Comics has Elasti-Girl and that Indian superhero on Justice League, but really when it comes right down to it super-growth ain't that fantastic a power when you have other characters that can fly, read minds and turn invisible. It might actually be more of an interesting story to tell what life would be like for someone that had super-growth in the real world.
This kind of thought must have occured to Matt Kindt because he wrote and illustrated a Dark Horse graphic novel titled 3 Story: The Secret History of the Giant Man, about a guy that keeps on growing and can't stop until he reaches the height of a three-story building. Kindt's fable tells of the giant's relationship with his mother, wife and daughter, and how his life turns out when he's the talling human being ever to exist. It doesn't sound like there's a happy ending.
Warner Bros. must have liked the dramatic themes in 3 Story because they've bought the movie rights to the comic and hired Academy Award winning screenwriter of Milk, Dustin Lance Black, to write the adaptation. Mike Richardson is producing, which he does for every movie based on a Dark Horse comic book since he's the publisher of the company.
The Hollywood Reporter said that Black pitched his idea of a 3 Story movie that would focus more on the father-daughter relationship and downplay the downer ending. I don't know about you but there better be a part explaining how a giant man the size of a building manages to father a child. Now that's a sex scene that we haven't seen before in the movies.
Posts: 64
Posted: 14 years 36 weeks ago
I know Matt; couldn't have happened to a nicer, more creative guy.