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Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper and Lost's Emilie de Ravin are being added to the cast of Remember Me. That's the drama to star Twilight's newly minted leading man, Robert Pattinson, for Summit Entertainment.
The logline for this pic sounds truly depressing. He-Who-Is-Edward would play the younger sibling of an older brother that commits suicide. The son's tragic death shatters the lives of his family, eventually causing his parents (Brosnan and an in negotiations Lena Olin) to separate and leaving the brother directionless with his life. De Ravin's character is a woman who, after seeing her own mother killed right before her eyes, has the opposite reaction and decides to embrace life and squeeze the most from it. Cooper would play de Ravin's father in the picture.
Allen Coulter (Hollywoodland) will direct from a script by Will Fetters and Jenny Lumet (Rachel Getting Married). Filming is scheduled to commence on June 15 in New York City.
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