Very cool. I'd like to see an all Predator movie - like ALL Predators. Home World, no humans all that.
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Robert Rodriguez confirms he's doing Predators
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sin City, Spy Kids and Planet Terror writer/director Robert Rodriguez had tried to do a new Predator sequel about a decade ago. After turning in a draft where the action was set on the Predator homeworld, the project got ground up at 20th Century Fox. Nothing ever came of it.
Rodriguez went on to do other projects and Fox went on to do two Alien vs. Predator movies. I'll come right out and call Robert the victor of the two.
But today there is big news on the Predator franchise front and once again Robert Rodriguez is involved with it. At a news conference held at Rodriguez's Troublemaker Studios today the filmmaker and several Texas politicians were assembled to talk about how the state has just improved its film incentive program. Rodriguez is about to benefit from this new financial arrangement by making five new films, one of which is called Predators.
"I'm going to be able to shoot my upcoming Machete here, a sci-fi action film called Nervewrackers, a re-boot of the Predator series called Predators, and a couple of smaller movies called Sin City 2 and The Jetsons," Rodriguez is quoted by IESB as saying to the press.
And that's all the information we have at the moment to go on. Hopefully Rodriguez or Fox will tell us more sooner rather than later.
OMG (Dances around like a little girl!) FUCK YA!!
That article is full of WIN!
This Just In:
Robert Rodriguez to Direct Every Movie for the Next Twenty Years!!!1!
Or, you know, to say he is, then abandon the project.
I don't really care for his movies.
I'm fine with his movies but the Predator reboot idea is silly. Why not just call it Predator 3 and have Fox approve that script he fleshed out years ago?
I'm not down for any reboot of Poltegeist, Predator or Total Recall.
I don't care about the Poltergeist remake as long as it brings something new to the table. It probably won't, but I can hope. I mean, I love the original, and it's still a damn scary piece of cinema, but if someone has a different (and actually good) take on the material, there's room for more than one interpretation.
I find it interesting they chose Rodriguez's
to do another predator movie?
I hope no black & white with spots of color thrown in
will not present! in this someday movie.
Or quick action shots.
What Fox should do is ask the Thomas Bros to do it.
after all, it's there baby.
Posts: 152
Posted: 15 years 42 weeks ago
Hot damn!! This is the best news ever!!! I just absolutely cannot wait!!
Rodriguez is the man! He's going to make the greatest movie ever and I'll be there on day one!
Damn straight! Robert Rodriguez's "the Jetsons" will RULE!!!
(tongue firmly in cheek...)