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Roger Friedman sues Fox over his early Wolverine review
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Monday, July 6, 2009
In April online Fox News journalist Roger Friedman reviewed the leaked copy of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, triggering a series of events that led to his dismissal from the company. Now Friedman has filed a lawsuit against his former employer citing the company smeared his reputation and wrongly let him go.
Friedman's suit asks for $5 million dollars in damages plus $180,000 in legal fees.
In Friedman's side of the story he claims that he asked Fox News' legal department to vet the review for publication and that he never back from them nor from his editors about not writing his infamous review. Friedman's review of Wolverine went online April 2. On April 3 the story was removed from the Fox News website. Friedman claims that he asked his editor if he should be concerned about his job and supposedly was told that there was nothing to worry about. The next day Friedman was fired from Fox.
Friedman's lawsuit also points an accusing finger at Rupert Murdoch, the company's owner, stating that Murdoch is partially responsible for what happened because he somehow made it possible for a leaked copy of X-Men Origins: Wolverine to wind up online. When one of Murdoch's employees pointed out the fact that the workprint was online, Fox fired Friedman to try and cover up their supposed mistake.
A representative for Fox claims that the company has not received legal notice about the lawsuit yet. Friedman now works at The Hollywood Reporter covering the celebrity beat.
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