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Tuesday, August 14, 2012
On Vacation!
When August rolls around in Hollywood, the news tends to dry up. That's why it's the perfect time to unplug, try to destress and enjoy the warm weather while I can.
For the next few days I'm taking a much-deserved family vacation. I'll be away from the internet and thus won't be updating until the weekend, but I've asked for the help from a few friends to keep an eye on the site for me.
Have fun, consider this an open thread and I'll see you soon.
Add a comment (3)Saturday, September 3, 2011
An update about Saturday's downtime and site problems
Hey everyone,
I'll hit you with the bad news first: all of the news stories and movie database scoops from Friday, August 25 on to Thursday September 2 are currently missing from the site.
The problem lies with an upgrade of Coming Attractions' site architecture. Long story short: it's going to take more planning and thought to work out the best way to improve CA's backend than we had originally thought would be required.
The first upgrade was implemented this past week and there were immediate problems. You may not have seen it but I can definitely tell you that there were problems on my end.
Add a comment (0)Saturday, November 20, 2010
Frequently Asked Questions
Next month will mark the second year anniversary of the new Coming Attractions website. Believe it or not, even though there has been a link for a Frequently Asked Questions page, there hasn't been any content to read on that page until now.
Add a comment (0)Wednesday, August 18, 2010
A note to daily readers
If you have been wondering why there's been a slowdown to the number of news articles appearing on the site, it's because I've been hit by a very nasty summer flu. I've been suffering from it for going on 10 days now and I've had just about enough of it. Somedays I've got the energy to crank out a couple of articles but mostly I've been lying in bed, too sick to do much of anything.
Add a comment (7)Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Login problems resolved!
For those registered users of Coming Attractions that visited the site this afternoon and evening, you may have discovered yourself unable to login and post messages or comment on a news story. As of late this evening the issue seems to have been corrected by the site developers. Users can once again comment on stories and in the forums (and are encouraged by this site owner to do so.)
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Add a comment (1)Thursday, June 11, 2009
CA adds an exclusive category
As the site continues to evolve and add more content one of the new ways will be in adding more exclusive articles. These special features could take the form of interviews, set reports, editorials, lists, event coverage or script reviews. While they can be directly related to Coming Attractions' coverage of movies, television, games and DVD, I've felt that they also deserve to have their own separate category too where all of the CA exclusives can be found quickly and with easy access. With this in mind CA has added a new category called "exclusive" to its repetoire. Naturally, if there's a new category then the site needs a new icon symbol for exclusives and I can't think of a more fitting icon than the Corona sun symbol.
Add a comment (0)Friday, December 19, 2008