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Six new character posters for The Dark Knight Rises
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Tuesday, May 22, 2012
There is now two months left until The Dark Knight Rises ushers its way into movie theaters. With the home stretch for the movie's marketing rapidly approaching, Warner Bros. has released two sets of character posters for the film, one for North Americans and the other for those in the United Kingdom.
It's interesting to theorize why the marketing approaches for the domestic and UK audiences requires one Batman movie poster to be rain-swept and the other in snow falling. Was there demographic research done that said audiences in England would respond better to the next Dark Knight movie if it had snow in it? And why am I wondering so much about this thing?
Back to my original point: The Dark Knight Rises comes out in two months and the marketing campaign is going to only intensify.
The domestic posters:
The UK posters:
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