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Screen rights for The World Without Us, a non-fiction book that takes a look at what would happen to all of humanity's creations over the course of days, years, centuries and thousands of years if humans were to suddenly vanish from the face of the Earth, have been sold to 20th Century Fox.
Written by Alan Weisman and a bestseller since its release in 2007, The World Without Us was the first publication to take a close look at how long it would take for the telltale signs of civilization to disappear and for nature to cover over our creations. Fox has already moved quickly and secured the creative team from Warner Bros. I Am Legend, namely screenwriter Mark Protosevich and director Francis Lawrence, to write and helm the feature.
While Weisman's book didn't give a reason for mankind vanishing overnight and insteasd examined the premise in scientific terms, Protosevich will have to devise a way to get humans off the planet and then show the natural disintergration of our cities, monuments and engineering constructs over a vast amount of time.
Mondolithic Press did several paintings for the official World Without Us website before it went offline. The image of the ruins of Warsaw used for this story is from their gallery.
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