This was badass. I always liked the Punisher and thought Jane did a great job portraying him.
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Video: Thomas Jane returns as The Punisher!
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Monday, July 16, 2012
The day after the conclusion of Comic Con is typically one of nothing newsworthy to note. Actor Thomas Jane decided to break that expectation by releasing online Dirty Laundry, an unofficial and unashamed "love letter" to fans of Marvel's The Punisher.
This 10-minute short film is unapologetically unrated and filled with ultra-violence (once Tom Jane's Frank Castle gets going.) In short, if you were somewhat unsatisfied by the PG-13 approach of Jane's first portrayal of The Punisher in the 2004 movie, or the last big screen outing of the character (Punisher: War Zone), then "Dirty Laundry" is the grim, gritty and gory Punisher story that you've been dying to see. And who's that also showing their face in the short? Hey, it's Mr. Hellboy himself, Ron Perlman!
From what I've gathered, Jane and his creative team made this film for no money. I know that the guy is a bonafide comic book fan (he co-created the Heavy Metal-esque Bad Planet comic series with Punisher artist Tim Bradstreet) and he's not ashamed to show his geek pride. I have no doubt that he made "Dirty Laundry" just to step in the soul of Frank Castle one more time, but it's also a damn good Punisher tale.
Here's the short, and again, it's NSFW/mature audiences material:
One other thing: Jane and Bradstreet also launched a Kickstarter project today to raise $575K for a video game based on their Bad Planet comic book series. Go take a look.
Ok, make the next Punisher movie just like that. With Jane.
Thomas Jane has all that Hung money now. He should just self-finance the next movie and do it the way HE wants to!
Posts: 7588
Posted: 12 years 8 weeks ago
Shit, I thought from the title that Jane would be starring in the next Punisher movie, which would be exciting news. I'll check this out after work.