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You can see that the wheels have been turning in the brains of Zac Efron and his stable of media and business wranglers. Efron's new movie 17 Again has him playing a high school teenager who plays basketball. Sound familiar you fans of High School Musical?
Efron must have been feeling the pressure about being wildly known as a teen star of musicals because in the space of one week he's ditched starring in Paramount's remake of Footloose and is in contract talks to star in a drama called The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud. I'm certain that Variety's story about the latter project got leaked by someone on Zac's payroll and the message to Hollywood is clear: here's proof that the good-looking teen star wants to be taken seriously as an actor.
If the deal goes through -- and there's no reason to think that it's not -- the director of the Charlie St. Cloud movie will be 17 Again's Burr Steers. Steers' deal is already complete and he's polishing the screenplay in anticipation of Efron climbing onboard the project.
The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud began its life as a book by Ben Sherwood. Published in 2005, the story begins thirteen years in the past when older teenage brother Charlie (Efron's character) takes his 12-year-old little brother Sam to see a Red Sox game in a borrowed car. They get into a car crash, one which Sam doesn't survive. Now a grown adult, Charlie works as the caretaker for the same cemetary where his kid brother is buried. But every evening, after his day's work is done, Charlie retreats to a private part of the cemetary where he meets the spirit of Sam and plays ball with him. When Charlie meets a young woman he feels love for her but can't embrace it because he doesn't believe he deserves it. If you're screaming "Chick flick" right about now, duh. It's a perfect post-High School Musical kind of movie for Efron.
Variety is pretty certain that Zac Efron will be standing on the set of The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud this July.
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